Icetrack 7: 30+31 Jan 2016, Tahko nr. Kuopio, Finland



Ever wanted to walk on water?

How about driving on water?

My now-traditional Icetrack in incarnation number 6 happened this winter and although midsummer isn't here yet, the track for Icetrack 7 has been booked for the last weekend in January 2016.

On a frozen lake in central Finland. Seriously. It's all legal, above board and a professionally-run and snowploughed track.

IT 6 was a bit of a washout, with two and a half feet of ice topped with snow and slush, so 7 is quite possibly going to be the last one. If you wanted to do this, the time is now.

That location is both reasonably accurate and around 6 hours drive north of Helsinki, which should be enough to see serious winter and yet it's possible to get back down for the late ferries out to Germany or Sweden on your departure day. If you want to watch the northern lights, this is a good jump-off point, but they're unlikely to be visible this far south. For those, drive up to Kuusamo to the arctic circle or over to Oulu.

Costs for track are relatively simple; €150 for track per car and €40 per person per night in reasonable accomodation. Luxury has a real meaning at Tahko, so we're sticking to the "nicer" end of the market, but still reasonably priced. That translates at the moment to around £110 for track and £30 per night per head.

You'll also need to get yourself to at least Helsinki. Consider Dover - Calais - Gent - Antwerp - Eindhoven - Dortmund - Bielefeld - Hannover - Hamburg - Lübeck for the long ferry which leaves at 3 am and gets you in at 9 am the next morning. 30 hours of relaxation to start your trip. Driving Denmark and Sweden is also possible but not much faster. Aim to arrive on Friday morning 29th January, so leave Wednesday 27th early to catch the chunnel and be at the port in Lübeck by 0200 on Thursday morning. You could be back in Germany at 2100 on Tuesday evening; stay overnight in Hamburg and be back a week or so after you left.

Friday we drive up; Friday night is Sauna, food and beer and not much else.
Saturday morning we start with simple stuff on the track, and then it gets more complex. We'll probably go somewhere directly near for food, let's see how the weather is. Close of play is 1700, we must be off the ice before 1800.
Evening is food, beer, sauna, board or card games, music, chat in several different languages, snow angels, midnight torch tests in the serious darkness...
Sunday is a repeat of Saturday, but with more knowledge. Alternative pastimes can be organized for Sunday morning, too. Sunday pm the locals will probably leave again; I will leave early Monday morning.

One thing in advance: you must have winter tyres. All-season "all weather tyres" will not cut it and you will be able to see and feel the difference between what I can do with spikes, others with Nordic rubber can do and central European winter tyres.

Temperatures may reach -30 or even colder, though that is unlikely. -15 or so is far more common. We will not be allowed to drive on the lake unless the ice thickness is >30cm / 12". Since this is normally the case in December, I don't see it being an issue, but it may be. However, the guys around Trackmeister were very, very creative this winter when faced with potential weather issues, so I do not see a problem there at all.

The track will be ploughed such that there will be no walls. We will have access to a long runway and a track, so we can run all sorts of exercises at the same time, which is what we'll do. Other activities outside the car are possible; there are multiple ski lifts starting directly from the lake. You can also do skidooing, reindeer sledding, and I can probably find pretty much anything else if there's some advance notice. We will have two days of track time, from Saturday 9 to 5 and the same on Sunday.

To get a vague idea of what I'm talking about, you can check out the "tripup" video on my youtube channel, here: - there's quite a bit of footage from a trip up in the middle of February to an Audi meet. With A2s it doesn't look quite the same, but the condition of the roads was accurate and will probably be similar in Jan 2016.

If you want to learn how capable the A2 is in extreme conditions, this is the place to be. If you are scared to drive on ice, then this is probably not the right place for you, unless you want to get over your phobia by doing it as much as possible in a very short space of time....

If you're interested, please let me know.

- Bret
It's fun if a little strange to be charging across ice. I did it in Sweden many years back - not racing but just me on a small lake in my brother-in-law's Volvo. Only had an island to avoid hitting ;)

My sister-in-law once lived on the east side of lake Storsjon. It was a long way round the lake to the major city of Ostersund except in the winter when an ice road was opened across the lake. Unfortunately, I only visited in the summer so never experienced it.

More here including Finland
It's fun if a little strange to be charging across ice. I did it in Sweden many years back - not racing but just me on a small lake in my brother-in-law's Volvo. Only had an island to avoid hitting ;)

My sister-in-law once lived on the east side of lake Storsjon. It was a long way round the lake to the major city of Ostersund except in the winter when an ice road was opened across the lake. Unfortunately, I only visited in the summer so never experienced it.

More here including Finland

My son is,now living in Östersund was there in December and March and the lake had not frozen despite being -19c,but there is a nice new bridge over the lake
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It's fun if a little strange to be charging across ice. I did it in Sweden many years back - not racing but just me on a small lake in my brother-in-law's Volvo. Only had an island to avoid hitting ;)

My sister-in-law once lived on the east side of lake Storsjon. It was a long way round the lake to the major city of Ostersund except in the winter when an ice road was opened across the lake. Unfortunately, I only visited in the summer so never experienced it.

More here including Finland
I did try to drive the ice road from Oulu to Hailuoto in 2014, but it was closed hours before I got there :( Official ice roads are quite common.

Welcome back Bret

Cheers Spike


My son is,now living in Östersund was there in December and March and the lake had not frozen despite being -19c,but there is a nice new bridge over the lake
Yeah, there have been some very strange goings-on with the weather; very little ice last winter. The 75cm on the lake where the Track is was more normal; it's a remarkably sheltered place which helps to explain the smoothness and thickness of ice.

If you want to experience it, let me know.

- Bret
I did try to drive the ice road from Oulu to Hailuoto in 2014, but it was closed hours before I got there :( Official ice roads are quite common.

Last winter it was not open at all!
Anyhow, I'm interested in this event down there :). I have already sold my CE winter tyres to someone from Lahti so I have the proper set now.

Cheers from Oulu:
Quick update: there are now two houses of three full, 18-20 participants, 12 A2s including mine. The Germans have their Jahrestreffen this weekend, I expect some more attendees from that.

To quantify the ferry costs: over the last couple of years, the guys have generally booked a cabin together and have acheived prices of €324 per car / head for Travemünde - Helsinki and back. Add in another €100 for the Dover - Dunkirk or your other ferry of choice.

Accommodation is shown here: There's enough space to park and there's rarely an issue with 15 cars when you know whose is whose :D If the houses are full, we can still expand into other locations - there are many hotels around as this is a large ski resort.

I would like to complete the house booking in July still, so if you are interested, let me know.

- Bret
Thanks for the update. Do you have still free spaces? One of my friends is still hesitating...
Yes, that would be fine. I'll bump the German forum thread, too, as we're on the cusp of needing all three houses.

- Bret
Awesome, thanks, replied. I have some more information I need to format correctly and then update both here and on the German forum. Hope to have time to do that tomorrow.

- Bret
Quick update time

I'm now at approximately 24 people and 16 cars. This means we have around six spaces left in the present accommodation. If you want to participate, then you should make a decision sooner rather than later!

Preliminary information


I am required to pay 20% of the accommodation on booking and the remainder 28 days before. So for any and all of you the following is valid:

You will all receive either an Email or a PM with the relevant bank account details. I'm expecting you to pay a deposit for your accommodation costs before the end of August. You will all get a specific cost in your PM.

Accommodation costs are, as stated before, €50 / £35 per person per night. Track cost is €150 / £105. I will take the hit, if there is one, on exchange rates.

I'm expecting you, therefore, to do two things in the near future:
- State when you intend to leave the accommodation. One house will be available only until Sunday, the others until Tuesday. This has previously worked well. If you will not arrive until late on Friday - because, for example, you are driving from elsewhere in Finland and will be working Friday - please let me know so we don't start worrying. I'll set up outdoor candles and maybe a glowstick or 10 so it's clear where you're going.
- Please transfer your deposit of €50 per person to the account listed in the PM. I will not publish the account number, I've been burned on that one before.
- The remainder will be due just before Christmas, I will need to pay the accommodation on the 2nd January.

Further information

We've traditionally eaten together. This time around, we'll have a bit more help than previously - my family will be joining and my daughter's an awesome dessert cook. This should ease our evening time pressure slightly. I'll also ask them to do more of the shopping.
I've asked previously for a contribution towards food costs; it will probably be €30 this time.

I would also ask that you bring with a sample of your personal local special beverage of choice; we get a large variety of interesting (beers and other drinks) that way, which is awesome.
You will need to bring linen and towels, because to rent is horrendously expensive, and I have to do it for everyone, which lands at €450.

Trip up

I'll be specifying a route up from Helsinki, and to-from the accommodation to the track, and expect to be able to give a roadbook to all attendees. The route suggestions aren't really that, they are specifically given for a reason, namely potentially absolutely awful road conditions off the main roads. I will specify certain meeting points and intend that we have a time to meet somewhere. I will give everyone my mobile phone number(s) so you can get hold of me whatever happens (two phones, two different networks). We will have radios with. We'll meet at my house, then out at a lunch cafe, then again before Kuopio. Again in Nilsiä, the last "town" and then straight up to Tahko.

Timing for Friday
- Boat arrives at around 0930, breakfast is available there. Re-fuel at the harbour if it's cold (lower than -10 or so), especially if you're driving a TDI; Winter Diesel in Germany is generally only good to around -15 or so, we need a bit better than that. Here it's good for -37.
- You should be at Lahti around 1045, depending on the speed of getting off
- We then re-sort, do comfort breaks here, unload my personal supplies, load up the rest of the gear, and leave
- Lunch cafe is about 1 hr north of here (it's rather good)
- We then have another 2-2,5 hours to the next meeting point, north of Jyväskylä
- From there it's another hour to Kuopio (stop at Matkus for SIM cards), an hour after that to Nilsiä (refill and regather), then 15-20 mins to the accommodation. We should be there before 1900, but I don't know. Depends how much happens on the way up, like off-road excursions, people get lost, things happen. We stay calm and drink coffee, eating excellent donuts... :-)
- Evening is sauna as desired, snow angels, beer or three, food, talking, settling in, organising SIM cards to work, that kind of thing.

Saturday is early start, I want to be at track at 0900. We must be *off* the ice before 1800, so close of play is 1730. There are legal issues at play here, so we must comply.

On track
On track, I expect you to listen to instructions. I expect you to have your brain switched on, and if we are driving one way around only, I expect you to stick to that. So far we have had a couple of minor mishaps, but nothing serious, and I don't see why we can't keep that record.
I am fine with people having a few beers in the evening, but this is supposed to be a driving weekend, so I'm expecting you to be reasonable in terms of how much you drink; there will doubtless be some interesting alcoholic beverages around, but this is not a stag weekend.

Saturday evening is similar to Friday, maybe with some extra ingredients (have to ask my daughter what she can concoct!). There's minimal "must do" and maximum relaxation.
Sunday is similar, but with more difficulty. If you want alternative activities for Sunday morning, please tell me and I will go organize. Reindeer sledding, snowmobiles, alpine skiing or snowboarding are all easy, huskies are probably also possible.

Please note you're "up north" and this time around, we're a complete month earlier than traditionally. In Kuopio, Sunrise on 30.1.2016 is at 0848, with sunset at 1558. If it's cloudy, that's approximately darkness times. It is *dark* at the villas, because there's minimal light pollution. You will want your sunglasses for driving, as the sun will essentially pop its head over the horizon and disappear again 7 hours later. Today they have an altitude of around 43 degrees, in winter it's 10. We will not be driving any massively long distances in the dark on narrow, unknown roads; the roads from Kuopio up are lit up until the last 10km or so, and anyway, that's why I have driving lights. We'll be running in convoy, so please keep up. There are minimal cameras except for certain points; GPS speed limit is my personal usual.

Assume weather-wise that it may hit -20 or so, it may get colder but may well be warmer. Ensure your antifreeze is good to -35 and that your battery is reasonably healthy.

That should be about it. Much of this information may also be elsewhere, feel free to read old threads.

I will publish this post in the near future in German on the German forum.

I've created an event on my Facebook page to go with this.

If you've any questions, please let me know. I'll probably run a quick mumble conference - so that's an audio chat - in the near future to answer questions people may have, especially those that are not yet decided.

- Bret
Karkutahko is now booked but at a better price than I expected. So it's back to €40 per head per night (yay special offers!)

If you're wondering what that means, it's like this:

- 1 car, 2 people, Friday-Tuesday --> €150+320 --> €470 / £335
- 1 car, 1 person, Friday-Tuesday --> €150+160 --> €310 / £220
- 1 car, 1 person, Friday-Sunday --> €150+80 --> €230 / £165
- 1 car, 2 people, Friday-Sunday --> €150+160 --> €310 / £220

I don't see how you'll get onto the ice cheaper than this and the quality of the accommodation and track last year were both excellent. I'm close to full on all houses, but there are still a few places left. If you are interested, now is the time to shout.

- Bret
Fantastic Brett!
Really looking forward to this excursion even though we're totally green about the white stuff :o.
I'm in Germany in the next few weeks and will touch base with some friends for advice!

Blue skies
a bit of an update: we are now seriously close to full. I am currently discussing with a teacher for at least some of Saturday. pocoloco will be with us, so there will hopefully be some drone footage :)

Pretty much everything else is "sorted" for the time being; please comment on the discussion thread on the German forum any allergies you have or specific dietary requirements and we'll keep them in mind.

I'll summarize what happens next:
- book your ferries if needed, the guys have some serious ideas about what they need to do and how to get it cheapest
- My personal suggestion includes aiming to be at the ferry port in Travemünde at around 2200-2300. There's not much to do, but then when I went up there in May I ended up sitting on the A7 in traffic for a good 45 minutes... it's hard to know exactly what's going to happen, so plan some extra time in.
- From Calais via Gent, Antwerp, Eindhoven, Hamburg, Lübeck should take around 8h according to Google, but you're losing the hour. Harwich - Hoek van Holland would possibly be good (get in at 0800, should be an easy run down the A14 to Harwich, leaves the previous night at 2300); Dover Calais is potentially a time sink, with you needing to be in Calais before lunch; with 30 min loading and a 90 min crossing, that means being in Dover before 9. With London traffic, that could be very interesting indeed..... at least Operation Stack shouldn't be needed in January :)
- I'll be sending the "final" bills in November, to be paid before mid-December.
- In around 6 weeks I'll be "up north" myself again, so I'll clear up at that point what tracks we have available to us
- Facilities at the track I'll also bring up at that point (mainly grill for coffee, the "tent", toilet and where I find cones for track setups)
- Please remember you will need sheets and towels with you. I'd also strongly recommend some form of slippers as it's big boots off at the door.

Feel free to send me a PN if you want to know more or post on the German thread.

- Bret
I should emphasise again at this point that it's really quite likely this is the last one. I'm getting increasingly busy at work and am expected to be in all sorts of places, so orga for stuff like this becomes slowly impossible.

If you wanted to do this, the time is now.

- Bret

so a quick update: there's a thread (link) on the German pages which deals with cabins and pricing from Travemünde up. They're trying successfully to optimize and minimize expenditure :)

One post I'd made on the German forum which I haven't publicised is about weather, which seems to be as much an issue as the traffic is here in the UK. We've been pretty lucky in the past with essentially no issues with crappy weather on the way up or afterwards when people have been trying to do other stuff (like go the other side of the arctic circle). I would like to emphasise that we're going at the tail end of January and the weather could be seriously bad. It might not be, it might be +2 or -30; we can't predict that stuff. So, much like UK traffic, I'd suggest that any planning assumes that weather could have a significant effect on any attempts to get anywhere. A few more details including a useful web address for the "warnings" page on Ilmatieteenlaitos' webpage is here:

As usual, if you've any questions, please let me know and I'll do my best to answer them.

- Bret
Final few weeks now. I've updated the German forum threads and the roadbook this evening, we spoke with Trackmeister earlier. It is looking OK, but only OK; -24 is enough to get teh ice thick enough, but it needs to be without snow or teh effect is lost. If the ice is thick enough for the tractor before the snow comes, then great. Otherwise it will take rather longer... snow is, unfortunately, an awesome insulator.

I also booked house 2 for the rest of the weekend as we're pretty much full.
- Bret