Tailgate Trim Panel - Refitting issues


Morning Folks,

Was after some quick advice regarding the tailgate trim on my latest A2 vehicle that I purchased a couple of months ago. The previous owner has clearly removed the tailgate trim from the hatchback on several occasions to do works and as a result the thing seems to be barely hanging onto the boot these days with the real risk of it falling off when you open the boot! Seems to have a broken black plastic square in the middle and quite a few metal clips attached to the metal tailgate that I cannot fathom how to reattach to the trim (no enough play to clip into the trim and metal). Anyone had similar issues? Do I need to get replacement clips etc from Audi to ensure a tight fit again?

Kindest regards

Morning Folks,

Was after some quick advice regarding the tailgate trim on my latest A2 vehicle that I purchased a couple of months ago. The previous owner has clearly removed the tailgate trim from the hatchback on several occasions to do works and as a result the thing seems to be barely hanging onto the boot these days with the real risk of it falling off when you open the boot! Seems to have a broken black plastic square in the middle and quite a few metal clips attached to the metal tailgate that I cannot fathom how to reattach to the trim (no enough play to clip into the trim and metal). Anyone had similar issues? Do I need to get replacement clips etc from Audi to ensure a tight fit again?

Kindest regards


Remove the metal clips from the tailgate, they then slide sideways back into the plastic mounts on the trim.
Then once you’ve got the trim properly aligned, it takes a firm thump over each mounting point to push the clips back in to the holes in the tailgate.
It’s much easier if you have an extra pair of hands to help, but I’ve done it before by sitting in the boot and pulling the tailgate down.
Thanks Bargepower. Think the issue for me is getting the metal clips off the tailgate to then re-slide them into the plastic mounts on the trim. Thought I could pinch them with pliers and remove, but cannot release from metal tailgate ahhhh!!!!
I removed mine with a pair of side cutters to squeeze the clip together, then with a thin bit of wood under the tip of the cutters, lever them out using the tip as a fulcrum.
Fiddly, but does work.
Yup for sure the tailgate trim had to be the one that requires the most patience, luck and physical strength to take in and out!

I taped up a large flat screwdriver to avoid damage to paint.
I would also suggest a little grease on the metal clips before re fitting so next time you want the trim panel off it is some what easier

The first time I removed this panel I came to the conclusion that Audi designed it such that it could pull another car (over engineered is an understatement here)
