A2 Alarm

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While reading my car hand book i came accross a section on the alarm. To trigger it you unluck the car using the key and if the engine isn't switched on within 15 seconds the alarm goes off. To my suprise the alarm sounds more like an artic lorry reversing. Its got no chance of detering a thief or attracting a passer bye's attention.:(

The topic has been mentioned numerous times in the past, and everyone agrees that the alarm sound is a joke. Its funny that you reckon the sound is like a lorry reversing, because that’s exactly what Roy Fox thought when his car alarm went off. It was only when the noise went on and on did he appreciate something was fishy.

John Disdale
Different subject ... but on a similar vein ... the horn sounds a touch weedy too. Having been used to Italian cars, the noise the A2 horn makes sounds like it's breaking wind ... a discrete 'pharpp' noise. Something to put on my 'to change' list.

Dolphin Grey 1.4 SE

It’s easy to get over the problem without incurring great expense. Lower the window and shout honk honk.

John Disdale
The horn on an A2 can only be described as "two crickets rubing their legs together"-it is bad.

On the alarm front, I thought that if you unlocked the A2 and din't open the doors/boot it would lock itself in 30seconds. So why the alarm sound?.

Steve - 2003 1.4SE petrol, Silver, black/black interior
Can I just confirm that if you open the car using the “remote” key, and thereafter open the door without inserting the key into the ignition – then the alarm will not go off. This I contend is how it should be.

I might add that tests on the alarm system by say locking the car with the window down, and then leaning through the window might not always set off the alarm. The principle reason for this is that the internal pressure has not radically changed since arming the alarm, but this would be totally different in a situation where the window was bricked in – or the window was opened by a thief who thereafter lent into the cockpit area.

I should add that for anyone wishing to carry out an alarm test, do remember that the system should be armed and left for 3 or 4 minutes before any experiment takes place. This is so that the system can fully compute the exact conditions when the car was locked and the alarm armed.

Generally speaking I believe the security system to the A2 is very good, its only the stupid sound of the alarm which is a joke.

John Disdale
My friends refer to my Amulet Red A2 as "Noddy's Car" owing to the cheeky, mincing horn (as used eg to invite Big Ears to come out to play etc).
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