Broken Down !

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Well it had to happen, after me saying I hadn't had any problems so far. Went to get my car out of the garage only to find a pool of oil coming from under my car, had a quick look but couldn't trace it. Started the car up only for the rev counter to start jumping from 1000 to 2500 revs and back again, then the whole car started to judder and shake and then eventually give up and splutter to a stop. Phoned the breakdown cover people and was told an audi technician would be there within 2 hours, he eventually turned up 6 hours later. He plugged his computer into the ecu, only to find no fault,s o he left. Putting the car away tonight the same thing happened, so its looks like its off to the audi garage tommorrow. (that is if the bloody thing starts)
Anybody else had this sort of problem?
Sorry to hear that..
I do believe this problem has been reported, the rev's jumping up and down then cutting out is somrthing that I've seen before (not too sure about the oil issue).
My A2 had a problem where the revs just droped for no reason and the car stalled. The dealer never found the problem. I suppose it could be related.
Best of luck..
Thanks roy, probably get the usual audi service tommorrow, ie told theres no fault and then politely told to p**s off

In starting my car on two occasions I experienced in disbelief how the revcounter went from 900 up to 3000 without me touching the accelerator. I thought it was potentially very dangerous, and it frightened me at the time, however the dealer could find nothing wrong – so that made it okay.

I presume the Audi technician that examined your car was stumped in terms of why you had excess oil on the floor. Perhaps this is understandable because he could not connect his computer to the pool of oil.

I obviously differ to the Audi engineer, but if I had a bad oil leak I would not be driving it off to the dealers, and instead would call for a breakdown rescue truck.

John Disdale
Maybe if the Audi technician talked to the pool of oil he would get a better understanding of where it came from-they should be on the same level...

Steve - 2003 1.4SE petrol, Silver, black/black interior
I agree with you about the oil/computer thing. Audi technician didn't really give me an option, his view was that if the computer said it was ok then that was his job done.
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