power steering fluid in main engine oil mistake


A2OC Donor
My cousin has accidentally topped up his A2 TDi engine oil with Audi Power Steering fluid.

Is this a major issue?
I'm guessing the engine needs a flush and complete oil change?
Can it be driven in the meantime?
it's all oil, but depending on how much he put in.... Urgh. I'd get it out ASAP, flush, and probably run through again. It probably won't screw seals up, but I'd personally want to flush it through as far as possible. You're talking a 0.25 to 0.5l topup in a system which contains <4l, so it's potentially 20% of the engine oil.

- Bret

I would think it goes without saying, but, the car shouldn't even be started, let alone driven.

Drain the oil from the sump and refil with flushing oil.
Run at idle for 10 minutes and then drain oil and change filter.

If the engine has been started it's a different ball game, as the contaminated oils with have passed through the oilways and will be on all oiled internals.

If this is the case it might be wise to message Opie oils with the exact quantity and spec of the lubricant and ask their advice.

A bad mistake


it isn't the end of the world, as bret said, it is all oil. The power steering one will be quite thin in comparison. A drain, get some cheap oil to flush, then reflush. Fill again with good oil.
I agree with Brett, its all basically oil. I once put petrol in my TDi in error, about 5 litres. I finished filling up with diesel and kept topping up every 100 miles or so and 5 years/100,000 miles later the car is ok. (I also know of someone who once out water in the sump deliberately to emulsify with the oil and keep their truck engine going - successfully. The alternative? get caught by the Japanese in WW2).
I very much doubt there will be a problem, although it depends on the amount of PAS fluid in there. It hasn't got the right additives etc required for an engine oil, but if it's only a small percentage of what is in the sump, there shouldn't be an issue.


hi, the power steering oil is not so different by the engine oil by the point of view of the viscosity. The engine oil you should have is a 5w40 or a 5w30. The other is a 10w.
The big problem is due to the special additives put in the power steering oil, that is basically a transmission oil.
The transmission oil have some high pressure additives that can cause corrosion to dome engine parts.
I think it's better to change the oil and use a motor flush product before put the new one.