Vag-Com file size


Was browsing one of the groups on Usenet and found Vag-Com 409.1.
It's 1.11Mb and has a 66.5kb crack.
Just wondering if this is the proper software?
glock17 said:
Was browsing one of the groups on Usenet and found Vag-Com 409.1.
It's 1.11Mb and has a 66.5kb crack.
Just wondering if this is the proper software?
VAG-COM is a free program and doesn't need a crack to work.

The latest version of the software is version 7. What you are looking at is a hacked version that will work with those dodgy cheap interfaces found on Ebay.

If you are happy using a hacked piece of software on your car, then fine - I prefer to support the creators of the software by buying a genuine lead so that they can carry on their development work and also continue to offer invaluable help and support.


Thanks Mike,
I thought I had read it was free. Had seen the ad from Gendan in the latest Audi Driver and was debating spending the money on the full package or saving up £500 to get the Pink Panzer chipped (£225 & VAT & ferry return & Hotel for night) or a new patio. Then there was that nice new handgun from Beretta too. Hmm, decisons, decisions!

Would also agree that if you like a piece of software/shareware then you should buy/donate to support the developers in their work.

