Faulty G200 sensor (beep beep beep) repair


1J0907651A – Lateral Acceleration Sensor (G200) repair.

I had the classic three beeps and four warning lights on the dashboard. My fault code reader pointed to the G200 sensor.
So I almost bought a new to replace my faulty...

But after some reading I found that the problem often is bad solder joints.
With nothing to loose...

So I cut away the silicone/rubber, then re-solder all the joints, on my pic only one side is visable. In order to reach the other side I had to saw it open. The circuit board is tiny, about 2×3 cm. Then I taped it together and refitted in metal housing. After this procedure the warning lights are off and no more beep-beep-beep. Plus I saved €200+ and learned something too.
