Audis in the Park. Sunday 9th August!

Just thought you guys might like to know of a Brand new Audi only event for 2009!

Its called Audis in the Park and is open to all models. Old, New, Standard or Modified....if its an Audi...its welcome!

I've been into the Audi "scene" for many years and have been to many events. I've seen the impressive turnout you guys can get together and would be great to have you guys at Audis in the Park! should give you answers to any questions you may have but if not, please drop me an email via the contact form and I'll try to answer them for you.

Please feel free to have a peek at the website and please feel free to spread the word.

Cheers All

Event Manager
Audis in the Park

lOOks like another topclass event and ULP they have a railway
although i bet you've been on it already 10 times since xmas LOL !!!
looks good and they say camping!!!! must say last years camping has given me the bug. could we make this an official a2 outing? cheers mikee
me and mrs sumo are going i think there is a link on here somewhere for people to put their names down----i think chris (ulp)was in contact with the organisers but with him standing down i'm not sure who is the point of contact now?
A few of the other clubs/forums have started to compile two lists.

one for the people who are attending Sunday only and the other for the people wanting to camp over on the Saturday evening.
Hi all.

Well with less than a month to go, Audis is in the Park is all set to be one of the best days on the Audi calendar.

With Audi lovers attending from all over the country, it really will be one of the best places to see some of the finest Audis around.
It’s about time we all had a dedicated Audi show, and that’s why I created Audis in the Park!
For far too long, we’ve tagged onto VW events up and down the country! Well times are changing!

The website has recently been updated with timings etc and for those of you not wanting to brave the Saturday night camping, I’ve added a local accommodation listing.

The response from clubs and forums has been immense, all of them hoping to take home the very first Audis in the Park “Best Club Display” trophy!
But remember it’s not who has the most cars on the club stand that counts, but presentation and spirit.
If your club/organization hasn’t signed up yet, why not give the event organizer a nudge and get involved, or why not have a go yourself.

I had initially limited club space to 20 cars but due to the interest I soon had to negotiate for a bigger field so the 20 car limit is no longer a problem. More the merrier I say!!!

I hope the website has been able to answer any questions you may of had, but please feel free to contact me if anything is still unclear.
Look forward to seeing you all there!

Event Manager
Audis in the Park