Wiper spindles out of position in scuttle grommet

VAG fool

Changed the scuttle panel for a good one, noticed that the wiper spindles are not central in the rubber grommet.
Scuttle is positioned centrally and correctly located in the gripper at the base of the screen.
Spindles are basically sat too low/too far foreward, I slackened off the four wiper motor bracket fixings but there doesn't seem to be any adjustment available.
Have I missed something or is this another symptom of crash damage?
All of the wiper mount rubber bobbins are present and nothing appears to have been disturbed.
  1. IMG_20210314_142657_7.jpg
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I dont think the front damage has anything to do with your issue, maybe just a bit of time adjusting the scuttle panel to make sure its correctly seated,
dont brack it though :) dont have another good one,:(
The scuttle fitted perfectly thanks, the problem seems to be with the wiper motor bracket.
This problem was the same with the old scuttle panel, I have re-used the stretched grommet that was originally fitted and kept the good one for when I fix this problem!
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This is how it should look (LHD):


On yours it appears that the shaft is too high, such that the grommet cannot seal around it, for some reason. Correct wiper motor?

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Shafts are too low (closer to engine) by about 4mm I would say.
Is there a known changeover VIN?

52 plate AUA, I replaced scuttle with like for like, rectangular washer jets, early hook wiper, RHD
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I have thought of a "cure" which involves putting a pair of packers under the two bulkhead mounts (the studded ones) to kick the motor bracket up a degree or two.
But I really shouldn't be having to do this.
I have thought of a "cure" which involves putting a pair of packers under the two bulkhead mounts (the studded ones) to kick the motor bracket up a degree or two.
But I really shouldn't be having to do this.
Hi , I have exactly the same issue and thought of spacing out the lower attachments too. Having taken the nuts off both of them the wiper motor moves a bit in the right direction but not enough.
Did you ever get a solution?
( as with these things I was looking for a temp sensor and found this as a by product!)


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There does not appear to be any adjustment in the mounts. Perhaps if you remove the assembly from the car you may find an issue with the mounting bushes being damaged or out of position. Also an ideal chance to clean the wiring connector to remove and water or corrosion. Put some dielectric grease in the plug before refitting.

Manual page...

There does not appear to be any adjustment in the mounts. Perhaps if you remove the assembly from the car you may find an issue with the mounting bushes being damaged or out of position. Also an ideal chance to clean the wiring connector to remove and water or corrosion. Put some dielectric grease in the plug before refitting.

Manual page...

Well at least it’s easy to get to! Not! Lol
They must be a common issue here as the out-of-position of the wiper spindles seems to be identical in a few instances.
Has anyone come across this issue and found a fix?
Bought the car new and had this from day one. Design fault in conversion to RH drive suspected.

Interesting! I have 5 others and their’s are all in the correct position. But for one to be like that from new is something else. I was hoping it was wear and tear or something adjustable or repairable but if it was like that from new...Was the rubber grommet sealing properly?
Did you ever find a fix?

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I've replied on FB, but my guess would be that its had a new windscreen fitted that's been fitted a few mm too low. That would then mean the scuttle is also out of line by the same amount.
Steve Would a screen fitted too low not mean that the scuttle was pushed down, making the spindles sit higher in the aperture?
I've replied on FB, but my guess would be that its had a new windscreen fitted that's been fitted a few mm too low. That would then mean the scuttle is also out of line by the same amount.

Hello, the screen looks to be in the same position on all 6 of mine. I suspect that the issue is with the rubber bushed wiper assembly mounts esp the RH one. I’ll do a bit more investigation once I’ve got the temp sensor replaced ( thanks Iain Cowie for the new replacement!)
So, a solution to the problem! The rubber bushed mounting nearest the wiper spindles is secured in place by a 10mm A/F bolt. In this case it had a small dia washer which passed through the whole in the rubber bush. This allows the wiper motor assembly to droop forwards and causes the spindles to go off centre. My solution was to use a 10mm longer bolt and a larger dia washer which sits neatly inside the rubber bush. (Actually a sealing washer for roofing sheets)
The longer bolt was necessary as the original one would reach through and engage. Anyway the first pic shows the as-found condition and the second as-fixed. The fourth one is the original bolt and washer and the third the longer bolt and bigger dia washer.
Access isn’t brilliant so this took a while to diagnose and fix.
After this the next job of changing out the temp sensor will hopefully be easier! Lol


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Nice fix. I did say it was a mounting bush problem...

Perhaps if you remove the assembly from the car you may find an issue with the mounting bushes being damaged or out of position.