Once you can drive it, log 140. It's pressure regulation, especially with varying engine load, that's critical.New filter. Group 140 pressure values check out. 60 idle and 100+ @ 2.5k rpms.
EDIT: It threw a P1504 at some point. Cleared it and it is never coming from the looks of it. It is a
Once you can drive it, log 140. It's pressure regulation, especially with varying engine load, that's critical.
Do you mean the cam belt?Timing is off.
I may have to bin it afterall. Drives ok though.
Block 141 is still a mystery, no real idea what it is.. The block text is just incorrect, still trying to work out what the blocks are..Ross-Tech don't know either! Group 140 fuel system, pressure and regulation.Thank you for your kind words Andrew. In all honesty, it would be very low in the list or not even on the diagram if I am honest.
I have done what Mac has been suggesting all along. Loaded the label file and went through the blocks.
I am having increasing misfires on cylinder 4 and an engine load of 20% at all times.
Block 141 reads out 0% all across and 12 at the system status.
I have noticed some frayed wiring on Cylinder 4.
FIY, I am doing this in the small amount of time that I have with nothing to do.
And engine earth, from behind headlight, check clean and bright.OK,
I'll just write what happened in bullet points:
1. Did compression test, about 180-200 psi all.
2. Mixed matched coils and spark plugs in the process because I was in a hurry.
3. Cylinder 4 has frayed wiring.
4. All connectors have been replaced while the engine was out.
5. I got the compression tester stuck in cylinder 4. Penetrating oil and wiggling took it out.
6. Put it all back in, no misfires at all.
7. Revved it, misfires appeared in Cylinder 3 and 4.
I am leaning towards electrics. May have to redo the loom? Continuity test at the very least.