Adjusting driver's door


I've bought A2 which needs some adjustment to driver's door - when closing the door it does not fit / close properly. It needs to be lifted from handle little bit upwards, then closing is more smooth.. and it will not touch threshold
Any ideas / tips how to adjust door a bit more higher. It is only question of 2-3 mm's.
I would be very grateful!
i'd suspect that there's something on the hinge. I don't know how to do this, I'd have to look it up. If it was the top, then it would be the normal frame... but the bottom? sorry, can't help there.

Hi mclaine
It's a long shot but check the striker plate on the door pillar is adjusted correctly first. On my car the drivers door was forced down as the latch of the door lock mechanism engaged with the plate. Resetting the plate made the door fit better and smoother to close.

Cheers Spike
Or an easier option see if you need your hinges done (alloy' fat') and if yes they will re-adjust the door at the same time, Check for cracks above the hinge

Cheers Phil

Thanks for answering and giving helping hand - first impression of this forum is REALLY good!
I will first check striker plate - that's easy to lift bit more upwards.
What comes to hinges, they seem normal to me, but adjusting of hinges seems not very easy.. IF there is any photo or any constructional picture what moves what it would be very helpful..
where are you? If you do go and ask about the aluminium fatigue, pls post results as I don't think Laakonen will take us seriously :(

where are you? If you do go and ask about the aluminium fatigue, pls post results as I don't think Laakonen will take us seriously :(


I'm located in Tampere. Yes, if I go to Laakkonen... I think it will be complicated. Anyway I'm still quite sure that surroundings are ok and there is not any cracks in support points. It is question only to adjust.
Does this adjustment need removal of inner decorating panel?
spike, it's just two bolts in the strike panel, no?

doorcard is easy. Just don't do it outside! Ilma on liian kylmä Kehä III:n ulkopuolella ;)

spike, it's just two bolts in the strike panel, no?


Bret - yes, just 2 bolts on the striker plate. Mclaine - just slacken the bolts and the striker plates can be adjusted without removing any panels
Each hinge also has 2 bolts but the inner ones require removal of the front door pillar trim panels for access. If the striker plate or hinges need adjusting its worth marking their positions for reference as it reduces the 'trial and error' when repositioning them

Cheers Spike
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