Door window failure


Hi guys,

My A2 1.4 petrol drivers door window has ceased to work.

Before failing, it would stop half way up when closing and need to be run down and back up to half way before it would close.

I haven't had a battery change or any other electrical issues.

I have taken the inner door card off for a looksee, but everything looks ok in that connectors are securely in place etc.

Any ideas?


Hi and welcome to the A2oc. Sorry you first post is a problem with your car.

The only help I can offer is if there is no apparent faults, is to get a scan done to see if there are any fault codes showing up.


Ain't t'interweb wonderful, problem solved by battery disconnect and re connect. Channels duly sprayed with silicon lube.

Thanks for the help fella's.
Since I got caught yesterday in potential rain (when I wanted to park the car) with a similar issue, I've been reading up on it.

Yes, dropping the battery off will probably help for a while. If it doesn't in future, you might want to swap out the TSG ("Türsteuergerät" or "door control module") as that apparently has a thermo protection which may trigger too easily. And it's been "fixed" in new versions.

Apparently, there's also a minor looseness on some parts of the mech, so if you've tried to drop the window when it's iced up, it might not sit 100% in its fixings.

- Bret