Dreaded 1031 error

A few days ago the eml light came on on our 1.6 fsi a2 and using torque I can see it is the p1031 error (this is the only error)

From reading on here this could be a simple clean of the intake flap system up to a very expensive total replacement - the fact that this is the only error and the car drives fine gives me some hope

Does anyone have any tips and pictures on the cleaning side of things and what to look out for...
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Thanks... Will take it to camspec but wanted to see if there was a process to clean that I can attempt before doing this
well it is not looking hopeful.. Camspec will do a clean and check for hald hours labour but do not hold out much hope as from their experience the issue will just return (will give this ago next week)

They where slighty shocked at the parts prices after they contacted Audi - including labour and parts it comes to ~£760..

Anyone got an intake from a BAD engine floating around??

not a happy bunny...