Elec window switch failed


Fella's. My driver door arm rest switch failed.. anyone done a how to mpeg or thread on how to replace. The windows all work as they ope & shut with door key close. Any help greatful appreciated..

I did this recently. I replaced the window switch as the black rubberised paint had started peel off the drivers switch.

These instructions are for the rear door but they aren't a million miles off the fronts and they are the ones I used to replace the switch...


Once the screws are out, use you fingers to prise the card away from the door (starting at the bottom) and then lift the door card clear. You'll need to disconnect the speaker, switch and locking mechanism cables.

If you have all-round electric windows you're welcome to my old switch but, as I say, there's a bit of paint peel going on there.
You can't prise the switch out of the armrest..

I've recently (two days ago) replaced my other half's drivers side switch module.

Take a look at Sarge's thread on how to remove the door card that spike posted.
You can't directly remove the housing that the switches clip into, but you can gently pull the armrest out far enough to unclip the housing and thus remove it entirely from the door card.

Once done, it's fairly simple to unclip the switch and replace it. New switches are about £28 from Audi.
Be aware that when you've clipped the lot back in, plug back in the control lead (purple clip) and try the windows AND the mirrors before re-attaching the door card. You may want to have a small child to hand to hold the door card or operate the switches.

If they don't work, unplug the control lead and re-insert it firmly...

I spent about 30 minutes getting very worried cos the newly inserted switch didn't do jack! It took 3 unplugs/plugs to get it to respond properly :|