Key Hole on Drivers Door Handle



I have a 1.6 FSI, 52 Plate. On the drivers door handle where the key goes in, there isn't a cover. You can clearly see the hole to put the key in if the remote fails to work.

Can anyone tell me, should it be like this or should there be a cover on it?? If so what would the part be called and where would i get one from??

I keep looking at different photos of A2s but cant quite see the handles on the cars!!!!

Many Thanks

there should be a cover.

No idea as to part number or cost, sorry; it's probably stuck or been forced at some point.

If you mean that the silver metal cap from the actual barrell is missing then it's bad news I'm afraid - it is an integral part of the barrell and to order a new one, it's a full barrel that you will have to get and only Audi can supply them (coded to your car, so you needn't change keys).

Now the bad part - it's a touch over £80!!

Fitting is extra!


Hey Mike as you are able so strip the barrels down to put the slots in for your key, is it possible just to change the face part from the new one to the old one

Cheers Phil
Dunni what you mean Phil? I don't strip barrels down and as far as I know, the face plate and barrel are one piece - you'd have to get one from a scrapper and lever it off to replace it on your missing one, but the chances are you'd damage it in doing so.


I thought they would be like the ford ones, you get a barrel with all the different combintion slots, you get the key number and build the barrel with the correct slots in, but as i say not sure with the these new keys that was sometime back with the older style key (ford)


I have a 1.6 FSI, 52 Plate. On the drivers door handle where the key goes in, there isn't a cover. You can clearly see the hole to put the key in if the remote fails to work.


Have the same problem. I noticed that it is because spring inside the hole has slipped from this metal cap. So probably you have this metal cap inside turned right without spring attached to it properly. I was trying to fix it with no result, lock dismounting is necessary in this case.