light and rain sensor, possible ?


The A2 misses 2 features that I find very useful and that I'm used to on one of our other cars : those are the light and rain sensors, to automatically turn on the lights when it's dark outside, and the wipers proportional to the rain.
I've always wondered if that would be possible to retrofit/adapt elements from other Audi models to make the features available in the A2...
Is the ECU capable of that ? What do you think, VAG-COM gurus ? :)

I know that there are aftermarket kits, but a solution using OEM parts is more appealing to me.
I already have some kind of light sensor built in my auto-dim rearview mirror, but the whole is an isolated system. Nevertheless, this may be a starting point for a fully homemade solution.
I don't see how it would work.

For a start, you don't have the pinouts / switching of the lighting / wiper systems without the full circuit diagrams. The more modern Audis have coding to suit, so the headlamps are CAN controlled --> it ain't gonna be retrofittable without lots of pain.
The wipers may be easier.

TBH, the effort required is enormous.

For light: Try a Nikutronics S43i and then
