roof lining wet


A2OC Donor
i have the open sky roof, which has caused problems in the past, however never caused any concerns about leakage until i Noticed the roof lining wet over the last few days with the heavy rain we have had.

This has also cascaded water down into the boot well.

I have had a look at the seals around the glass roof, and the fixed panel at the rear of the sliding panels appears to have perished seals, even though i have always maintained them

Does anyone know if there is a repair (Skipton any advice if there are parts available)

I have temporarily attempted to plug the seal with a fine bead of gutter seal whilst i find how it gets repaired

struggling with the old deutsche but pics help
have taken off all the trim, boot floor, side trim etc to see where the water is coming in from
Have noticed the water is dripping under the black plastic trim that channels water down the side the tailgate, and this looks like it is dislodged, which may have been as a result of the repair that was done a while back.
Have left trim off to see if the gutter seal and relocating the trim does the trick.