Rubber behind number plate


Does anyone know how to remove the sticky rubber from the back plate of my number plate, which has stuck onto the car??

Need a safe clean way to remove this please?

Dev, that black sticky pad on the rear of the car is from the factory and is to stop the plate scratching the paintwork amongst other things I probably dont know about! As per my last repsonse, I would leave this where it is, give it a good clean with a gentle solvent after you have washed the road grime away then you can buy reg plate coloured platic screws to fit the pre bored holes on the tailgate, You can also use the sticky pads I referred to previously, but you will probablay need 4 on the back and when you take the plate off agaon, it may remove some of the soft black material with it. ( I experienced this with my first A3 because I ddnt want to see srew heads ont he plate. Hope this helps :D