Admin Team

That sounds like the perfect conditions for a test fit, so I'm more than happy to accept your kind offer. I don't have any real doubts, as ACS Cooling seem very professional, and the A2 version is a minor variant of a part they've produced for the Golf.Hi there, I am currently overhauling my FSI engine & it will be coming out of the car on Tues 10th Dec. to do the cambelt etc & I also want to replace the death pipe & fix an oil leak fro the sump area.
I am a retired engineer & have experience of rebuilding several race & road cars, so am confident that I could assess if the pipe proposed will do the job or not & aim to have my engine re-fitted & running by the end of January 2025.
As I am in Luxembourg, shipment to me could pose less of a problem than shipping to the UK, so I would be willing to test out the pipe & reoprt back. I was thinking of contacting the company concerned myself anyway, but do not want to tread on anyones toes on this project, by doing so.
If I am happy with the pipe they propose, I would be more than willing to act as a delivery point for a quantity of their products & would be able to bring them to the UK on my next visit, which would probably be in March 2025 at the latest.
Mac, as you seem to be the co-ordinator (?) of this project, please can you let me know if this is the way you want to proceed ?
I hope this will in some way contribute to the A2OC, which is a great source of help to me so far, in the running & upkeep of my FSI.
Best regards.
If you can PM me your postal details, I'll pass them on to ACS, as soon as the part is ready. Thanks again.