Wild car chase on A4, near The Hague

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Today I was driving my Audi A2 with the wife and kid. Maximum speed allowed at the highway we were driving was 100 km/h. There were many, many cars on the road. Since I drive 20 km/h too fast by default, but never faster than that, I drove 120 km/h. The highway had 3 lanes. There were some other cars on the middle lane driving 110 km/h, so I decided to overtake them using the left lane.

I'm halfway overtaking the cars, as suddenly a red BMW appears behind me. I have no idea where it came from. It starts flashing it lights almost immediately and I get the finger. Obviously he wants to pass, but I can't go to the right as I'm just overtaking the cars mentioned before. I can't go back either, since the BMW is behind me. I don't want to go any faster, since I'm already driving 20 km/h too fast (driving 30 km/h too fast and get caught means going to court in Holland). So I find his attitude a little aggressive and I wave friendly in the mirror.

He immediately gives me the finger again, starts flashing his lights frantically and sticks to my back bumper. So I give him a finger back. Bad decision. He starts flashing even more than before and suddenly OVERTAKES me using the space between the left lane and the middle guard rail. I immediately sense this guy is definitely not normal and get scared. Just when he passes me, I use the brake to slow down and make sure that he can't do any funny things while he's on my left side. The BMW overtakes two other cars on the left lane, then suddenly moves to the middle lane and the right lane, to end up in the emergency lane next to the right lane on the road, where he waits for me.

I drive as slowly as possible (60 km/h, which is way too slow), shift my gear down and then accelerate to pass him as fast as possible. He gets behind me right away and starts pushing me forward by sticking to my back bumper. We now drive 160 km/h where only 100 km/h is allowed and I'm scared as hell. I have no idea what this guy is planning - does he want to ram my car, tease me, or does he want to shoot me? He goes faster and faster, then drives next to me, grins and starts waving to my wife, who is sitting in the back. My wife says he has a Northern African face. Then he overtakes us, drives in front of us and suddenly brakes. I do an emergency stop down from 160 km/h to 60km/h. My wife's face is literally sticked to the chair in front of her.

This guy is insane. We drive next to eachother playing cat and mouse (he being the cat and me being the mouse) until I suddenly notice an exit. We now drive on the middle lane. I pretend I go straight on, find a hole to the right of me and at the very last moment dive into it. The van behind me has to make an emergency stop to let me through. The BMW can't follow me and our ways part.

I have never experienced something like this. It certainly is the most scary experience I ever had in traffic. It would definitely fit in an American movie, but I tell you, when you experience this for real, it is NOT exciting at all.

My wife wrote down his license plate number. Something with FN-Z?-36 (don't remember the ?). I called the police as soon as we arrived at my parents'. They told me he will be arrested.
Hmm, I don't know the correct english word for "kutmarokkanen" but you get the idea.

I use my windscreen washerjets when someone is close behind me but when they are this mentally retarded (or should I say criminally insane) that doesn't help.

I would certainly go to the police, they won't de anything, but there might be more people that he tried to push of the road.

Dennis de Held

Amulet Red 1.4 Tdi
If this happens during the day, I switch my lights on. The car behind me thinks I'm braking and backs off.

Werner Huysegoms
quote:Originally posted by whuy

If this happens during the day, I switch my lights on. The car behind me thinks I'm braking and backs off.

Normal people would do that, I think that this clown wouldn't.

Dennis de Held

Amulet Red 1.4 Tdi
If you just speeded and went aside, there wouldnt be a problem....

Some think I am genius,
Others just can't think...
I keep a small (cheap) digital camera in my glove box(for any accident I may be involved with). Had a similar but not quite as excesive problem once. Got my brother to lean into the back and take a picture of the following car (close to my bumper) with number plate in view. He soon backed off!! Problem was the picture was very distorted due to shape of rear screen.

A2 TDI-SE 2001 Brilliant Black
Alu Pack
Satellite Grey Cloth
6 Disc CD AutoChanger
Killabee: and risk getting my license invoked just because somebody, who is already exceeding the speed limit with 20 km/h, wants to pass? Give me one reason why I should risk my license because somebody wants to exceed the speed limit even more.

The place where this happened is patrolled very heavily by mobile cameras and police cars.
On top of that, there two cars before me. I couldn't even go faster.
Maar goed dat het mij niet gebeurt ik had op de vuist gegaan als ex zelfverdedigings instructeur zou ik beter moeten weten maar toch.
I would have try d to knock his block of if he had stopped at the side of the road :)

Jeff Huisman
2000 silver coloured A2 with some options :)
Why do most insane drivers doing such things drive BMW ???

Loek, but you had to do 160 eventually anyway, and drive dangerously. I would have just carried on exactly at the same speed. What the hell is he going to do with hundreds of potential witnesses. And while he's in his car and you are in yours, the worse thing may be that your car gets damaged if he drives into you. I'd sooner have that happen at 60kph than 160!
Loek, but you had to do 160 eventually anyway, and drive dangerously.

I would have just carried on exactly at the same speed. What the hell is he going to do with hundreds of potential witnesses? And while he's in his car and you are in yours, the worse thing may be that your car gets damaged if he drives into you. I'd sooner have that happen at 60kph than 160!

BMW drivers: I think they're the same all around the world! M-B drivers are not too dissimilar. I have never seen an Audi driver behave in the similar fashion.
LOL! I just hope I'm never in that situation. I've been on the receiving end of nasty jestures from irrate drivers, but so far none of them have acted in a dangerous manner. I usually acknowledge their jestures either with a smile or a similar hand signal, and then ignore them. If the traffic keeps moving, and they're not a psychopath, that should be the last of it.
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