wiring diagram / schematic


im after a complete wiring diagram or schematic for the a2 (specifically a 2001 model year 1.4 petrol if it makes a difference). can anyone help?

also if by chance anyone has one for a 2001-2005 honda civic type r as well that would be appreciated.

If you pay 5 euro for one hours erwin access then you can download every file thats relevant to the A2 (and a few that are general VW) as pdf in one hour. You then have them for ever! Thats what I did the other week. Given the reasonable cost, I would encourage supporting VW and paying the 5 euro to download straight from erwin.
If you pay 5 euro for one hours erwin access then you can download every file thats relevant to the A2 (and a few that are general VW) as pdf in one hour. You then have them for ever! Thats what I did the other week. Given the reasonable cost, I would encourage supporting VW and paying the 5 euro to download straight from erwin.

That sounds like a plan. What kind of download speed do you have though. I'm not on fibre yet so my best speed isn't that good.

I am on fibre, but I am sure provided you have base ADSL speeds, you will not be hampered! The files are only a few meg each.