Dålig värme

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Idag har det varit rejält kallt här i Falun, Sverige, -25 grader. Vid denna kyla klarar min A2 inte av att hålla värmen, varken motortemperaturen eller kupévärmen. Motortemp.mätaren faller ända ned till 60 grader (vilket ju är den lägsta markeringen), kanske lägre och "varmluften" in i kupén är i stort sett kall. Har ännu inte kontaktat Audiverkstaden, men ska göra det så snart helgerna är över.
Är det nå´n som har /haft samma erfarenhet?

It has been around -30 here now lately and in this weather motor temperature doesn't reach +60 degrees, not even in a very long trip. Windscreen and front door windows stay clear, but rear door windows are all frozen.

If temperature is -20 or warmer, usually engine warms up to a regular +90 and also windows stay clear. -25 means problems for me too: windows are just almost okay and engine temperatur hardly reaches +70 (around).

A 'funny' thing happened a week ago: cooling liquid got 'frozen' when it was around -40. Audi service had prepared the car with a liquid that is good down to -30 only...

With best regards,
Jones (A2 1.2TDI, no aircon)
Jag har nu varit i kontakt med Audiverkstaden, dock utan att få någon vidare hjälp. Det enda som kunde göras var att skärma av kylaren för att skydda den från kalluft.
Jag har därefter mailat Audi Sverige och ställt frågan till dem. Väntar nu på svar.

(bensin, klimatkontroll)
They said the same for me. Haven't tested if it helps. And now it is too warm.

With best regards,
Jones (A2 1.2TDI, no aircon)
Maybe you can try to block off a piece of the radiator using a piece of cardboard.

Dennis de Held

Amulet Red 1.4 Tdi
Hi Dennis.
That´s exactly what I´ve done and now I´m waiting for the cold to be back so I can test if it works. I´m afraid it wont work, because my problem with bad heating appears when I drive in town and when it´s below -15 degrees celsius. Then the engine temperature drops to around 60-70 degrees and the inside temperature is quite chilly.
I´ve e-mailed Audi Sweden about the problem but they haven´t answered yet.
To be continued....

A2 1,4 petrol, silver met, climatcontroll......
quote:Originally posted by goranwi

Hi Dennis.
That´s exactly what I´ve done and now I´m waiting for the cold to be back so I can test if it works. I´m afraid it wont work, because my problem with bad heating appears when I drive in town and when it´s below -15 degrees celsius. Then the engine temperature drops to around 60-70 degrees and the inside temperature is quite chilly.
I´ve e-mailed Audi Sweden about the problem but they haven´t answered yet.
To be continued....

A2 1,4 petrol, silver met, climatcontroll......

My TDI has somewhat the same problem. When it's cold outside but not cold enough to activate the additional heater. When I drive in a traffic jam the temperature of the engine begins to drop. After hald an hour of traffic jam it's at 60 degrees.
This is due to the fact that the TDI's develop very little heat when idling.

Dennis de Held

Amulet Red 1.4 Tdi
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