Help - Open Sky begginning to stick.


Its been raining a couple of days in London now and I've had on my mind, since I bought my baby, especially after reading some other threads; that I should regularly lube up and maneuver my sun roof.:D

So i've been maneuvering it, but I haven't been lubing it as I've been confused by some people suggesting silicone based whilst others disagree.:confused:

Anyway got in the car this morning, tried to open to sun roof and it only went as far back to the point it where it should begin to lift up and open further. :eek: Usually there is a huge clunk sound when it does lift up and open further, but it just did not want to budge this morning.

What can I do to help it run smoothly??

My open sky is only greased/lubed when she goes in for servicing, so as long as you can see some grease on the running rails when its open, you should be ok. I would not get paranoid about it being greased or used frequently.

Occasionally mine has 'stuck' half way, but find if I wait a few seconds, and try again, it usually works. This is usually caused by the rubber seal sticking to the glass, and when it opens a loud 'thunk' can be heard. This is normally if its not been used for a while (weeks or months) or depending on the weather (heating up/cooling down the rubber). A little jolt in the road frees it up, and will be fine. Don't think you have to use it just to keep it working!!

However, if it happens a lot you may need to get it looked at, or greased.
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