IMPORTANT - Please Read

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As you know, this forum is part of the A2 Owners Club. Both sites are now growing at such a rate that the club needs to be expanded in many ways in order for the it to grow into a more realistic and beneficial entity for everyone.

The annual cost for full membership is now £10.00 or €14.77

But what do you get for your money?
- All full members will receive a new membership number and either an A2OC pen or keyring (your choice)
- In addition, if photos of your A2 are already being displayed on the A2OC website, you will be sent a new self cling club sticker (for the inside of a car window) - be careful how you peel the old one off if you have one!!
- A quarterly newsletter will be distributed to all full members via email on a Word Document or similar method (tbd)
- Only full members will be allowed to enter competitions/raffles
- Only full members will be informed of club events and socials
- Only full members will be allowed to take advantage of all the club discounts in the product marketplace section of the site
- The forum contains a vast wealth of information on the A2 and is used regularly by hundreds of members. By becoming a full member, you will be able to fully participate in the forum instead of only being able to view posts that have been made.
- Full members will be given the earliest opportunity to look at and purchase new club merchandise
- You also get my word that all profit will be reinvested back into the club is some way and that I will regularly publish a state of accounts

For virtually the same benefits, how does this compare to other clubs?
- Audi Owners Club: UK membership is currently £25.00, World-wide membership is £35.00
- TT Owners Club: Uk membership is £14.95 per annum

Anyone becoming a full member of the A2OC between now and 1st May will be entered into a prize draw to win either a 2003 wiper conversion kit or a rear cup holder or a heated glass mirrors set - if you win you can choose which one! (courtesy of VAG Parts).

As from 1st May 2003, all logins to the forum will be locked</u>. This means that you will be able to still see posts that have been made but you will NOT be able to log in, nor will new members be able to join without joining the club first.

The way around this and to ensure your login remains active is to become a full member before 1st May 2003.

IMPORTANT: Please note that anyone who has made a donation to the A2OC or has supported the purchase of the diagnostics tool is exempt from having to pay the club joining fee until 1st May 2004 and there will be no change to the status of your forum access however, you must fill in the joining form online but can ignore the payment that follows.

Please visit to re-register.

Without your support, the financial burden on the club cannot be maintained.

If you are interested in writing a review or article on anything A2 or Audi related or are interested in helping produce the newsletter, please let me know.

Stuart_D (Forum Admin)
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