Interesting quotes


Dick Chown Award 2016
Often in an office environment we have a whiteboard that we use for "interesting quotes", the idea is that sometimes a comment taken completely out of context can be quite funny.

When posting a response to David about his "Blue gearshift knob" I mentioned that you can get leather recoloured and highlighted the point by saying that virtually all leather has been recoloured. I happened to say "When was the last time you saw a blue cow?".

Taken out of context that would seem to be a pretty strange question.

So I thought we might try out an "Interesting quotes" "Wall" here?

The important thing to note is that this should never be used to make fun of the person that made the quote, if that happens we will have to scrap this idea. It is meant to just highlight "Interesting" quotes, it is not meant to show up someone who may have posted something unintemtionally (and especially not to highlight comments made by people that d not have English as their first language).

I didn't deliberately post my "blue cow" comment just to start this, it just reminded me.

So if you spot something stated on here which is funny when taken completely out of context, post it here, but please consider the poster's feelings, we are trying to HAVE fun, not POKE fun.

And for those of you that think this is a silly idea, please remember this is the laughter lounge and not meant to be anything other than fun.

Just add any quotes as a reply to this thread, I will start the ball rolling with the "Blue cow" one.

I suspect (and hope) that the several "jokers" we have on here will search out a few more when they are bored!!

Steve B
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"When was the last time you saw a blue cow" (Steve B in relation to the option to colour leather)

Steve B
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"No good for me then alas, I have a bench rear :("
stated by Dan_b
it must be something that football substitutes suffer from too

Steve B
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