My lads new to him A2

Yes Paul, its the blue breaker that is single DIN, (whatever that means) the lads new car is a 54 plate, and the radio has no CD player only cassette.

This is the one in the blue breaker , the blue breaker is 05 plate.

View attachment 32731

This is the one in the lads 54 plate.

View attachment 32732

This is the cd player. and from the image I can now see that it is not OEM, its a sony unit.

View attachment 32733

and yes, this is the front passenger airbag switch in the glovebox, there is a warning light up near the interior light switches that illuminates when its switched to off.

View attachment 32734

So what I am asking is can the radio units be switched over from car to car, or in this case from the breaker to the lads car?.

Thanks in advance,

Yes it should be a straight swap over. You may need a code as the head unit is coded to the cars vin as this will no longer match it may well as for a code but numerous sellers on eBay will sort this for a few quid

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Also, that 6 disc auto change could never have worked with the head unit that is currently fitted as the head unit is NOT a Sony head unit, it is a std Audi fit and they have never used Sony

I suspect at some time in the A2's history the head unit was changed to a Sony unit and the Auto changer fitted in the glove box. then the head unit was changed back to the std head unit and the auto changer was never removed (CD's are so 1980's these days, so the auto changer was likely more trouble to remove than it was worth)

My earlier message about a straight swap still stands as written

You can get adapters which will interface (vaguely) with the Audi Units to play 3rd party changers. The one I had recently had an Alpine CD changer, with adapter unit. It saw the player was there, albeit the changer was knackered so wouldn't play.
You can get adapters which will interface (vaguely) with the Audi Units to play 3rd party changers. The one I had recently had an Alpine CD changer, with adapter unit. It saw the player was there, albeit the changer was knackered so wouldn't play.

You live and learn - I would not have expected that the standard of connections from one manufacture to another would enable a simple conversion adaptor to work
All a bit last year now as CD's are effectively dead

You live and learn - I would not have expected that the standard of connections from one manufacture to another would enable a simple conversion adaptor to work
All a bit last year now as CD's are effectively dead

Until bit perfect, uncompressed digital files are commonplace, no they're not!
They are now and have been for many years

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But yet lossy files are the preferred medium for most sites and stores that sell audio. Even places such as HDTracks with their 24-bit files normally suffer from less dynamic range than the physical pressings you can buy.

I agree that for playback in the car, cd is old hat. But for acquiring the audio in the first place, you can't beat something solid and not a download.
But yet lossy files are the preferred medium for most sites and stores that sell audio. Even places such as HDTracks with their 24-bit files normally suffer from less dynamic range than the physical pressings you can buy.

I agree that for playback in the car, cd is old hat. But for acquiring the audio in the first place, you can't beat something solid and not a download.

One word ... FLAC - A lossless music compression standard.

I have approximately 2TB of FLAC files which I would LOVE to be able to play in my car stereos, at the moment I buy the physical CD, then convert to FLAC for consumption in the home and MP3 for the car. If I want to create a "mixtape" I will use the FLAC files.

The issue of poor dynamic range also applies to a lot of the recent "Remastered" CDs, see the "Loudness Wars" as these are "Compressed dynamically" (not to be confused with file size compression). I could spend ages going through this, but it's not really the place is it :)
I think we're singing from the same hymn-sheet Jeremy.

FLAC is playable in my e-tron - have 2 x 128GB cards in there with all my favourite artist discogs, plus selected other stuff and the factory headunit even displays most of the embedded artwork properly too.

Right, back on track with the original topic!!
For playback in the car, all my music sits on my iPod at 320kbps AAC. It's convenient and sounds perfectly good with the accompaniment of tyre/traffic/engine noise. However, at home, CD is most definitely still alive. I listen to absolutely everything on CD and I'm hugely fond of my collection and the space it takes up. Played through a pair of speakers that'd feel at home in Abbey Road Studios, bit-perfect CDs offer so much more than compressed digital downloads, streaming, etc. Also, I simply enjoy selecting a CD, appreciating the artwork and watching a favourite album disappear into the player.



PS: Apologies to those awaiting a reply to their PM. I'm waiting until I have access to a proper keyboard rather than just my phone. Thanks!
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For playback in the car, all my music sits on my iPod at 320kbps AAC. It's convenient and sounds perfectly good with the accompaniment of tyre/traffic/engine noise. However, at home, CD is most definitely still alive. I listen to absolutely everything on CD and I'm hugely fond of my collection and the space it takes up. Played through a pair of speakers that'd feel at home in Abbey Road Studios, bit-perfect CDs offer so much more than compressed digital downloads, streaming, etc. Also, I simply enjoy selecting a CD, appreciating the artwork and watching a favourite album disappear into the player.



I'm 2/3rds with you on this - remind me to show you the music room when you're next over ;)
Perhaps we should have a music listening thread!

My preferred method; CD to FLAC, load onto Hidizs player and listen through Oppo PM-3 cans :-)

Perhaps we should have a music listening thread!

Agreed! I think this idea has been done in the past, but it's invariably a thread swerve that leads to chat about music and audio systems. However, I am starting to feel a little sorry for John because his thread has been thoroughly hijacked! Apologies, John. :)

My preferred method; CD to FLAC, load onto Hidizs player and listen through Oppo PM-3 cans :-)

I'd not heard of Hidizs before, though have just looked them up. Very interesting. The Oppo PM-3s look lovely. I have a set of Sennheiser HD650s, though I very rarely use them. I'm fortunate to live in a detached property and have no kids, etc, so there's no reason not to listen through a large pair of floor-standers! A decent set of headphones can be far more revealing than a pair of speakers at five times the price, but they don't move your diaphragm in quite the same way!


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Perhaps we should have a music listening thread!

My preferred method; CD to FLAC, load onto Hidizs player and listen through Oppo PM-3 cans :-)


Need opinion on APE files :D

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Excellent thread drift this one maybe we should take this over to the Relaxation Room part of the forum.

Edit just noticed you guys have said similar.

Decide to leave it hear anyway as Jeremy is creating a in car entertainment thread and i'd hoped it would be a Hi fi thread in general.

I managed to bag a very rare Pink Triangle Export turntable a couple years ago, could never afford one 25 years ago, and suitably kitted it out with a good arm and cartridge and am enjoying playing my Vinyl again.When you have a medium that with the right player has been likened to the closest thing to Master tape it doesn't get any better. I'm still enjoying my CD's too and currently seeking out one or two good vinyl pressings to replace some of my cd's just to hear the difference which brings onto the subject being discussed here loss less files.

Apart from the enlightened, people are getting sucked into the merry go round the Marketing people would have the population on. "Good afternoon Sir, i've got just the car to replace your aging A2........... this up to date A1" Get the picture? I can see the appeal for streaming but even the very young are waking up to owning something physical now as their parents once did. Yes i know your struggling to apprehend that but it's true. They're seeing it as cool and of course they are buying appreciating assets in Vinyl and i'm sure CD will go the same way. Cd is very much alive and Vinyl is currently enjoying a resurgence and so it goes on. Some of the very best amps in the world are using 50's technology "tubes", the German band Yellow record all there stuff using want to hear it,.........Audiophile quality recording at it's best. This may not appeal to all but apparently to Audiophiles it does, they've also recorded VW adverts for tv and their music has been used in many films. I have tried to locate this album on Vinyl on discogs but i think it's CD only?
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Excellent points well made Vorsprung, might be worth copying it into the thread I've made for it. It's intended to be a more general thread rather than just Car Audio.
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