1.4 BBY: random stall and buzzing noise

I checked and it just uses a common 5v supply and ground from the ECU with the EGR position sensor and the intake temperature/pressure sensor.

Shorting it causes a stumble, but then the over current protection engages and everything returns to normal.
I note that I could trigger an ABS light, so I will read the codes later to see what happened
How have you got on? Is it solved. Seems my issue is now completely solved.

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I checked and it just uses a common 5v supply and ground from the ECU with the EGR position sensor and the intake temperature/pressure sensor.

Shorting it causes a stumble, but then the over current protection engages and everything returns to normal.
I note that I could trigger an ABS light, so I will read the codes later to see what happened
My guess is that it’s most likely just the pointer to check the ECM DTCs

Can’t remember what code it is off the top of my head but it’s one I’ve had a few times.
My guess is that it’s most likely just the pointer to check the ECM DTCs

Can’t remember what code it is off the top of my head but it’s one I’ve had a few times.
If it affects the MAP sensor it will trigger the abs light as a manifold vacuum issue will affect the brakes as they are boosted using the vacuum.
I checked and it was just a message to check DTC’s. I can’t argue with the results but I am totally lost as to why this would fix it
I checked and it was just a message to check DTC’s. I can’t argue with the results but I am totally lost as to why this would fix it

A-zwo did you also have this issue or just following the thread as would be interesting to know if it’s an issue with aftermarket cam sensors.

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