A thank you to team A2OC

Darren C

A2OC Donor
Good afternoon folks,

I haven't been about much over the past few days, my wife Diane has just had surgery which we hope will lead to sustained long-term health improvements.

Diane and I just wanted to recognise the kindness of the A2OC team who sent across an arrangement of beautiful flowers for her. She has had a bit of a low day today, although the operation at this stage appears to have gone well, and the gift was timely and generous.

On behalf of my family, thank you very much indeed.

Kind regards,

Darren, Di, Kayleigh and Kieran.

Hi Darren,
Please give our best wishes to Di, she really has been through the mill with this, wishing her a speedy recovery mate, and hope you're soon bouncing back as a family unit at the next social event.
Cheers Jeff and Carole.
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