A2 1.4SE replacement Gearboxes



My year 2000 engine code is AUA and my gearbox code is EYX. Does anyone knows if a FDM gearbox from a year 2001 AUA engine will fit my car/engine?

The final drive and gear ratios are the same as is the rear gearbox mount. The gearbox casing however has a different part number but this may only be to cater for minor internal mods rather than affect the installation. I'd guess there is an 80% chance it will be a direct fit.

Cheers Spike
Thanks Spike. Any ideas how much a good indie would charge to swap out a gearbox on the A2? Would it make sense to replace the clutch while the gearboxes are being swapped?
Its virtually the same ammount of work as replacing a clutch which seems to cost around £350 - 450 according to recent posts. It would make good sense to change the clutch and release bearing at the same time.

Cheers Spike
Thanks for confirming the clutch replacement. I found another gearbox AHA from a 2000 Polo. I wonder if this will fit an Audi? I seem to recall that Audi A2 with AUA engine codes can some times have AHA coded gearboxes?