Audi Driver International 2010

What time is everyone getting to Castle coombe on sat morning, as Im driving down on the day.

Also is there a charge to get into the place, i.e gate charge?

The weather has changed by the looks of it, it is going to be cloudy but sunny all weekend.. Im not going to come over early on saturday, im thinking about 11am-12pm.. going to take a relaxing weekend! :D
hi john and all other members that are coming to ADI the details of the meeting point's and times will be posted very soon by mike(skipton).really looking forward to catching up with you all---please bring some bbq food if you fancy as i will have the bbq out again.also tea and coffee will be in supply by the very kind member spud--oh sorry i mean riverlad(david).
cheers mike
OK folks, the 'plan' for meeting up:

As it's worked before, we'll stick to previous years where we've met up at the large car park off Dunns Lane at Castle Combe:,-2.22342&spn=0.001047,0.002398&t=h&z=19

Aim to be there for 08.30am please. This will give us time to assemble, distribute the club stand passes and have a short chin-wag, before moving off in convoy to the circuit, so that we can arrive in style and have an instant club stand.

There is a charge to enter the circuit, I believe it's £10 per head, so have your cash ready.

I see that Richard has stepped into the role of Meteorological Secretary (!), so I hope you've booked the weather for us.

Any more questions, ask away, but failing this, I'll see you all in a few days time (I'm driving down Sat morning too).


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hi thanks mike for adding the details--one thing to add for those that are staying at the Hilton or the premier inn on the Friday night is that after our lovely breakfast we usually meet up at swindon Audi to move on as a group to tie up with the others at dubbs lane. so anyone who fancies joining us please just be at swindon Audi(opposite Hilton) for 8.00am.fingers crossed the sun will be out and our cars don't get to dirty!.
one other point we are going to do dinner at the Hilton on the Friday night-at the mo it is me/Yvonne/robin/Maddy/riverlad/grim reaper anybody else care to join us? nothing is booked so please phone me if you prefer to arrange a time(pm me if you need my number)
cheers mike
hi thanks mike for adding the details--one thing to add for those that are staying at the Hilton or the premier inn on the Friday night is that after our lovely breakfast we usually meet up at swindon Audi to move on as a group to tie up with the others at dubbs lane. so anyone who fancies joining us please just be at swindon Audi(opposite Hilton) for 8.00am.fingers crossed the sun will be out and our cars don't get to dirty!.
one other point we are going to do dinner at the Hilton on the Friday night-at the mo it is me/Yvonne/robin/Maddy/riverlad/grim reaper anybody else care to join us? nothing is booked so please phone me if you prefer to arrange a time(pm me if you need my number)
cheers mike

I booked dinner for me and chrissie on the friday night as well so if you tell them you want a table setup for us all..
Look forward to meeting up in the car park beforehand, hopefully we can get all the A2's lined up in colour order again!
OK folks, the 'plan' for meeting up:

As it's worked before, we'll stick to previous years where we've met up at the large car park off Dunns Lane at Castle Combe:,-2.22342&spn=0.001047,0.002398&t=h&z=19

Aim to be there for 08.30am please.

That means getting the boss up at 5 am on a Saturday morning:eek:

If I pull that off it will truly be a miracle.

Not having been before, can you get a decent breakfast at the circuit? Got to promise her something, unless Gucci or Moschino have a stand there.
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Don't rely on the track to provide a decent breakfast. Stop by one of the service station on the M4, they do nice big all day breakfast that I usualy need a nap afterwards!

Have fun guys, work commitment this year, shame I can't join you. Would be nice to take a pax ride on track in the mtya2!
I'll be packing the one I have, and I suspect A2sumo will already have packed the one he looks after.


OK, just wrapping up all the little jobs that members want doing at ADI (mainly keys and little wiring jobs), so if anyone else wants stuff doing, now's the time to shout up, especially if I need to order in parts.


M dash is out then Mike:eek::eek::D, just kidding looks like this is the first year i wont be having anything done

Well theres still time ;)

Cheers Phil
I spoke to Mike(a2sumo) earlyer this week and I don't think he will be forgetting the flag this time lol.

I will be taking a bit of Mike's, I have got the modding bug.

Looking forward to meeting everyone again.

We will have to keep our fingers crossed for nice weather.


Did you book the dinner table mike (a2sumo) for tomorrow?
hi richard no i havent as i dont know what time people are going to get there for. we hope to arrive at about 4pm.
cheers mike
ps dont forget your sun cream lol
Ladies Footwear

Not having been to the circuit before what is the recommended footwear? i.e is it on tarmac or is a lot of it on grass?
Its mostly grass, then you have a tarmac lane where you can walk around the park bit, next to where we park our cars.. It should be ok to wear any type of shoes, trainers, but if you got walkin boots then I guess they will be nice and comfortable.. It's not gona rain! yay
Wasn't sure until now if I'd get to ADI or not this year and unfortunately, it seems not.:( So, please take loads of pictures everyone and have a great day!:)
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