

Evening all. :)

Ok I love cats, and I love our local cats. But one of the little blighters keeps climbing up my car and kindly leaves micro scratches all over one corner of the bonnet!

I think it had trouble last night (freshly waxed a few days before hand), as there seem to be a greater number of scratches in one area (I can just imagine it scrabbling for grip LOL).

Anyway is there anything I can put on the car that will make it less attractive to Cats? I don't want to harm them, just put them off a bit. :D where did I put that ScratchX! :rolleyes:
well i have heared that cats dont like oranges-you could try using some silicone spray on your plastic that smells of oranges. not sure it contains real fruit ;)but it might work. is the car in your garden? could you use one of the "audiable" deterent devices? i'm not sure i would be so kind on the little fluffy things though
You could always try this approach works great for me ....
also works for pidgeons as well .....
These where actually adverts submitted for the New Sportka but where banned as they where unsuitable for the masses
but you guessed it they leaked out anyway .....

LOL superb KA vids. I'll try some orange peal/silicon spray, might be a bit cleaner (fewer cats heads inside my car!) :D
I know groundskeepers can buy some stuff that smells like foxes - supposed to scare most things off. However, I don't think I'd want to take that risk as you might get male cats squirting everywhere in the house in defence of their territory (remember, it's their A2, not yours).

Car cover?
I have the same problem but my fluffy things do it to the hoover! :eek:
We use vingar, curry powder or chilli powder what ever is out of date in the cupboard.

But you can not fault there very good taste! ;)
I have the same problem but my fluffy things do it to the hoover! :eek:
We use vingar, curry powder or chilli powder what ever is out of date in the cupboard.

But you can not fault there very good taste! ;)

This is it, an A2 isn't easy to climb up so I'm impressed they have chosen my car to watch the world go by. I will be trying all of the above though. ;)

personally i would just kill those little critters, there useless animals anyhoos. however, i do like pussy! go figure........

regards mr angry
Another nice reasoned comment from Mr Angey there, with impeccable grammar and punctuation.

I was going to offer a repair to your sick A2, but as I have 5 of the little critters, it wouldn't be wise I think.

Thanks for so bluntly telling us your sexual preferences too!



were all adults here, i was just making a joke! no need to take it seriously...and 5 cats your cat food must cost you a fortune skip lol,

if its any help you could buy a dog and keep it in the car :p

sorry i have a sick sense of humour at times, hope i didnt offend any1 :D

just for the record i had 2 cats 1 persian & 1 wild but had to give them away as i have a newborn and by god shes costing me a fortune never mind my a2!!!

regards mr angry
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Oh dear! :eek: I am a cat lover as well with 2 beloved furry things in the house - but I thought this thread might be dangerous - but not that dangerous!!:) I wonder if the marketing team commisioned for those ads got their books and a managerial **** kicking after production. Must have cost a few quid to make!!
Double oh dear!!!

I have 3 cats and love them to bits but I know they have there ways, like most humans!!

One that has taken a fancy for the hoover is beening retrained not love the hoover so much, we spray the hoover with vingar and always put it on paper with either chilli or curry powder sprinkled on it.

As for the car I would do what my cat hateing neighbour does, sprinkle chilli or curry powder around where you park your car (if you can spray you car with vingar? not sure if you can use it on paint work but you could clean the windows with it!)

They have very sentive noses, just remember keep it up so they get bored and find a new sleeping place or private spot (if you know what I mean).

If only husbands were so easy to train!!!!
I forgot if nothing else works buy you a super soaker, a sun lounger and a chilled beer and as a friend once said after cleaning his garden out of you know what "let the magic happen!!!"
I thought this thread was going to be about catalytic converters, not the furry animals :rolleyes: