Defective gearbox


I have a 1.6FSI which i bought new in 2003 and it has done only 28k.

My wife & I love the car ( although i don't get to drive it much) ignoring the numerous EML faults that all A2's seem to throw up.

less than 3 months after the warranty ran out I am noew told it will need a new gearbox! there is no suggestion that it is driver related just a defct and now I am facing a bill of over £1100 to replace it.

has anyone else had similar issues?

there is also a creak / groan with the steering / suspension - particularly when first staring up but now becoming more constant which local dealer has not been able to daignose - any help or comments would be greatly appreciated
Gearbox not fit for purpose under the sale of goods act.
Trading standards consumer advice line for just this type of thing. 08454 040506. Or look at them on the web. Consumer Direct.
Hi mjr, welcome to the A2oc.
The only problem I can recall is related to water contamination of the gearbox oil caused by a faulty / badly fitted seal or coverplate.
At the very least you Dealer should be pushing Audi for a goodwill claim to get a significant contribution to the repair based on car mileage - for example, the minimum life of the box should be 100,000 miles - yours has done 28,000 so you would pay 28% of the repair cost.

If its influenced by steering wheel movement the creaking may be caused by worn top suspension strut bearings

Cheers Spike
very similar

Yes, my gearbox has been replaced. My symptom was diff whine in all gears.
See my posts on the subject. I had to fight for it, but in the end I had it replaced FOC. Although mine was a used car warranty with a non-Audi dealer.

Audi offered 50% contribution as it was 6 months out of factory warranty with full Audi service history.

Sorry to hear of your woes. Mine had done 34,000 miles when it started to whine.
gearbox failure

Thanks for your input. So far after chasing Audi Uk and the dealer, as neither seemed to want to come back to me i have now been offered what A UK think is a generous reduction in price "bearing in mind the car is out of warranty" ( by all of 10 weeks!) - costs to me are now going to be £991.

I am still pursuing it and will keep you posted. I need to get the strange noises coming from the steering / suspension diagnosed before I agree to anything so that I can have it all done at once. My wife now wants to sell it!:mad:

Have now had a look at the maths from all offers to date. In summary the "further movement" from Audi Uk is an obvious saving by invoicing the dealer for the part at the reduced rate i.e. £555 rather than making a contribution - thus saving vat on £555. So I still have to pay @ £1k, the dealer gets the same labour charge and Mr Browne loses out on the VAT - I am not against minimising the VAT but I think that it is a bit rich of Audi to take "credit" for being even more generous when it was their fault in the first place and all they are doing is minimising the VAT element. (Something I had already picked up on and was intending to talk to the dealer about anyway).

Next stop Consumer Direct and then if no joy Bournemouth County Court
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