Disabled EML

Having replaced 3 sensors and finally eliminated the codes on my FSI , I thought it was time to tackle the non functioning EML.
I was expecting tape on the back of the dials or maybe blu-tack/chewing gum covering the LED.
I was not expecting this level of bodgery.
Honestly, who does this sort or thing? Of all the ways you could hide the LED, why the hell would you physically remove it!!

So what are my options?

Secondhand FSI sport dash which I assume would need coding?

Somewhere like BBA Reman may be able to replace the LED?


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Amazing. The PCB traces look to be intact. Anyone handy with a soldering iron and used to surface mount re-work will handle that for you.
I can do it for you for the cost of return post if you want to send me it on the understanding it’s at your risk, but not until next week as I’m away. I probably have some of those amber LEDs but can get them next day if not (try Farnell or RS). Do PM me if you want.

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I work on A2 instrument clusters regularly; you wouldn't believe the number of times I've seen this issue. I've found a few clusters that have had their engine management light covered with tape or bluetac, but all the rest have had their EML disabled by simply prising the LED off the circuit board. I have a supply of the original LEDs, so I remove the cicuit board from the cluster and solder on a replacement. I must have fixed at least 20 clusters this way, every single one of them from a 1.6 FSI.


I work on A2 instrument clusters regularly; you wouldn't believe the number of times I've seen this issue. I've found a few clusters that have had their engine management light covered with tape or bluetac, but all the rest have had their EML disabled by simply prising the LED off the circuit board. I have a supply of the original LEDs, so I remove the cicuit board from the cluster and solder on a replacement. I must have fixed at least 20 clusters this way, every single one of them from a 1.6 FSI.



Tom, I should have deferred to you!
All the best,

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Having replaced 3 sensors and finally eliminated the codes on my FSI , I thought it was time to tackle the non functioning EML.
I was expecting tape on the back of the dials or maybe blu-tack/chewing gum covering the LED.
I was not expecting this level of bodgery.
Honestly, who does this sort or thing? Of all the ways you could hide the LED, why the hell would you physically remove it!!

So what are my options?

Secondhand FSI sport dash which I assume would need coding?

Somewhere like BBA Reman may be able to replace the LED?
Ping @A2Steve who is beaking an FSI. He will have an instrument cluster.
Hi Timmus, I am new to the ownership of an A2, hope you dont mind I had a quick question ref replacement of the CCU, car seems to have a common fault i.e. Central Locking has stopped working off key and remote, front interior light doesn't come on (rear one does off the key) petrol flap doesnt open from switch. I have a Q unit and an AF unit with a key can I plug in the AF or Q to see if resolves any issues without coding? The garage is asking for quite a lot of money to replace given access to the CCU seems to be asy is this worth a go initially?
read the codes first, they will tell you if it really is the key or not; it's quite likely that the front door (s) have faulty microswitches. and then a CCCU switch will not help.

- Bret
Thanks guys.
I guess that it's more common than I thought.
I've not seen a car with so many bodges, broken clips and bits missing since I owned a Cortina in the 80's.
Still I like a challenge.
Hi Timmus, I am new to the ownership of an A2, hope you dont mind I had a quick question ref replacement of the CCU, car seems to have a common fault i.e. Central Locking has stopped working off key and remote, front interior light doesn't come on (rear one does off the key) petrol flap doesnt open from switch. I have a Q unit and an AF unit with a key can I plug in the AF or Q to see if resolves any issues without coding? The garage is asking for quite a lot of money to replace given access to the CCU seems to be asy is this worth a go initially?
Hi Rose (I assume)

Just trying to help.

There is a chance that Tom (Timmus) might not drop back to this thread and miss your post. More guaranteed to send him a private message (PM) [click on envelope icon in top bar].

To answer your question, but bear in mind my knowledge is only limited, I think it will work as a remote fob without coding, since the fob is paired to the CCCU from its previous existence. However to get a fully functional key you will have to swap the metal key and immobiliser chip from your existing key to the new key. If you need to code the replacement CCCU to the rest of the car I am not sure, anybody?.

For a garage who knows what they are doing I would have thought 20 minutes would cover the work. I am not impressed by your garage charging 'quite a lot of money' but that is the way of the world, they have you over a barrel since they know you will not have the necessary knowledge and kit (even though I think it not needed), they can charge what they like and sadly many garages see it as way to make lots of money for not much work. Try some other garages for an estimate or have a go yourself.

As I said in your introduction thread 'New owner an a few bits to do' I expect, hope I am wrong, the replacement CCCU will not cure your gremlins as the fault seems more than likely to be the driver's door microswitch latch assembly.

One sure way of success is to engage the professional services of Tom, but this might mean a bit of wait until he can get round to you.

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