ECU pin type, and wiring diagrams.


Hello guys,

I am planning to install cruise control on my 2001 AMF A2. I think I have all the information, except for one thing. What type of Pin do I have to order? 7Zap has not been working for me for several days now, that's the only place I know I can check. Didn't find any info related to this on this forum. I'm sure someone wrote it, but I didn't find it.

Because the 7zap is down, one more question came to my mind. Is there a place where I can find wiring diagrams for Audis? Not just for A2, but for other types too. Programs are preferred over websites, but anything is welcome.

If you have the full understanding of the retrofit and of course the pinout at the ECU connector along with having the loom ready to go then it’s worth inspecting your ECU connector itself. Reason being, I recall I had to remove empty pins from the connector on Project OEM when I added the loom. If you do also have the empty pins then just use them.

Should be straight forward if you’ve conducted enough research.

Kind regards,
