Emailing members re upcoming socials


A2OC Donor
It's been many moons since I have posted due to being preoccupied with building my own house (being filmed by Channel 4, so later this year you can all have a bloody good laugh at my expense!). So at the moment I just don't have time to use the forum and the A2 is continuing to be prove to be an excellent head turning car (could be due to the colour).
Building the house can be very stressful, so the odd day away from it would be welcome. Is there any way I can get a heads up email advising of an upcoming social?
Good to see you back on these pages again and look forward to see your 'Grand Design abroad' or whichever programme is covering your build!

You can arrange your own automated emails to alert you to new posts in the socials section. Follow: Forum>Socials>Then click on 'forum tools' in the forum header> the drop down box will prompt you to select alerts through your control panel; or daily weekly emails.

As long as your email address is registered on your profile, that should be you set up.

I know David and Mike have a few ideas for socials up their sleeves, so hopefully you can get some stress relieving A2 time this year. For my part it would be great to see your wee car sometime - it seems like a lifetime ago that the original owner from Aberdeeen PM'd me about selling the car.

It has to be one of the rarest spec A2's registered in the UK.

Good luck with the build. :)
I will keep you posted with any info on social's.

I asume you email is on your profile page.

