
A2OC Donor
Hi fellow a2'ers this year we are starting off with a special social--more of that soon!
The date for your diaries is 25th march 2012.
The place- Fleet Air Arm Museum, RNAS Yeovilton, Ilchester, Somerset, BA22 8HT, UK
Full details can be found here

The evening meal will take place early evening so we all have plenty of time to get back home at a sensible hour. The location for the meal will be posted once its suitability is confirmed.
The other reason for going down south west is quite special. As some members will have read on A2oc that one of our members(tourangang) has M.N.D. It would be great if we can take the time and effort involved to go down to John's area and offer our support to him and his family. i'm sure John and his family will love to see old and new faces on this day out.
The museum offers plenty to see and do for all ages----should be warm and dry inside as a bonus! vonnie and myself will have 188 ish miles so we may book a bed and breakfast close to the area. As some others will have further to come than us and possibly unable to b & b i propose we meat up in the cafe for 11.30--so not to early.

As per other socials please click the calendar link and add your name to the attending list----then post in this thread the numbers of your party.

if attending the meal as well or just the meal click here

many thanks and i look forward to seeing plenty of members names down to make this a special day for ALL INVOLVED

Thanks Mike
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You can put me down for that day Mike. Poss +1 but will come back on that one.

Let's make this a great first social of 2012. It will be great going back to RNAS Yeovilton as I was stationed there many moons ago.


I've clicked both links thereby confirm that I will be
a) attending the day event and
b) that I will also attend the evening event.

So which combination of A2s will we bring this time?
Sorry, I will be in work that wknd :(

I hope it all goes well and I will keep my eyes open for the next one!
Thats a shame phil---we could have added some sun in a brace of yellow storms! --- cant tempt you for just the meal part of the day?
cheers mike
Ang & I will be there - we've just booked a B&B for the Saturday night, to make the driving easier and will probably have a mooch around Glastonbury on the Saturday.


There is a Travel Lodge at Podimore which is just up the road who do good rates. Not sure if the ajoining Little Chef has closed ? Colin
Good plan to offer support and encouragement to John and his family - well done Mike, Vonnie & David.
The usual gang of us will be there - (does that sound right?)
And both babies of course!

Blue skies
Mike aka a2sumo

Firstly thank you so much for organising this event, it is a wonderful gesture, I was wondering what Sharon was up to on Facebook and now I know!!!

I really miss my A2, well in fact I really miss driving, as some of you know I sold my lovely A2 and bought a fully spammed up A3, unfortunately I can no longer drive that also, all I can drive now is a wheelchair which does 6.3mph flat out now!

Hopefully it I'll be a great day, and another memorable occasion.

Looking forward to it already

Hello fellow A2ers :-)

Ant and I will be along, John(tourangang)I look forward to meeting you there!


It will be nice to meet you both are you planning on having the evening meal with us? (can't see the calendar on iPhone app) details of the venue will be posted very soon.
Anybody else fancy joining us for this rather special social?
Cheers mike
Welcome aboard looking forward to seeing you all in hopefully sunny somerset. I will be booking the table in the next week so if your coming get your names down please ladies and gentlemen.
Cheers mike