Flickering interior lights?



My A2 came back from the dealer recently for her first full revision since I've had her. They found out that the bottom screw for the oil pan was worn and that oil was dripping out through it.

Well, anyway, most or all of the work was outside on in the engine compartment, but when I got her back, the interior lights started to flicker instead of the usual fade-in/fade-out, and I could hear a clicking from somewhere in the car (like an arc or a switch). Also, the central locking seems sluggish or hesitant at times.

Since the lights have started turning on with the door closed, I've disabled them, but I'd like to have an idea of what's wrong.

Could it be the door switch? I've tried feeling for it in the door frame but I haven't found it.
Hi Tigas,

Put your ear in the passenger foot well, just in front of the seat, to hear if the clicking sound is coming from the electronics that are below the panel in the floor. You can lift the mat, carpet and access panel for a better chance of hearing where the sound is coming from, but if your car is like mine, it is coming from a large black box with the word "komfortelektronik" on it. I believe this is also known as the central convenience unit.

Your problem could be something simple, but a diagnostic scan is required by someone with the right computer tools. My own car is with the dealer tonight for a diagnostic scan first thing tomorrow.

I forgot to update the thread. Thanks for the tip, it was in fact the Comfort system that had went haywire, but it seems it was a short in the driver's electric window's motor that burned something in the Comfort system.

So, Comfort system is a VAG generic part - next day. Electric window motor is an A2 part - one week... They wouldn't change one without having the other. :confused: