Gearbox oil change? 1.4TDi 75


A2OC Donor
Local Audi says there is no requirement to change the G/B oil in the A2. But they will do it for £130.00 plus VAT!

I am aware of the concept of filled for life G/B but for the long term health of same it seems logical to change it at some time.
So what is the general consensus of when it should be changed. What grade of oil should I use and is it a big job?
It's definitely worth changing the gearbox oil at some point - if only because it seems that the boxes have a habit of using oil over time and you may find the levels are low in any case.
I can't remember the oil I used for my box oil change done about 18months ago, but it was the same spec as what is used in the Bluemotion gearboxes.
It's not a huge job.
When Mike did my 5th gear I was talking to him about it. He recomended doing it every 5years when you do the cam belt.

He said its about 1/2 hour labour and £20 of oil.


Hello. Does anyone know how much a garage would charge to chance gearbox oil and grease the linkage. Thanks
Why not ask for a quote from your local VAG independent?

I paid just under £60 when my usual garage did the job for me 18 months ago. That was a fully inclusive price.
Hello. Sorry to ask out there any body know the price of a gearbox change mine has had it. I’m in the surrey area. Thanks
Hello. Sorry to ask out there any body know the price of a gearbox change mine has had it. I’m in the surrey area. Thanks

For clarity, are you now asking the cost of replacing your entire gearbox?

Less than a fortnight ago, you were wanting a price to change the gearbox oil and regrease the linkage. Who exactly did that work for you and what did they advise?
I know. But the garage said it needs a replacement gearbox and new clutch because a bearing now didn’t do the oil change they said it wasn’t worth it. Thanks
I know. But the garage said it needs a replacement gearbox and new clutch because a bearing now didn’t do the oil change they said it wasn’t worth it. Thanks

Who gave you this advice? Were they an independent VAG specialist?

Given the mileage on your A2, I would not have expected you to be needing a replacement gearbox.
I know. But the garage said it needs a replacement gearbox and new clutch because a bearing now didn’t do the oil change they said it wasn’t worth it. Thanks
I changed my tower bearing & gearbox oil total cost £37 & the gearbox is like new now, the car has don 186000 miles, I would do this first,
I changed my tower bearing & gearbox oil total cost £37 & the gearbox is like new now, the car has done 186000 miles, I would do this first,

I get the impression that Tim doesn't do his own servicing. I also suspect that the advice he has been given has not come from an independent VAG garage.. Unless he's prepared to do the work himself, surely the car would benefit from being reassessed by a suitable specialist ahead of any work being carried out?
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I've now exchanged some PMs with @Timsmini . As I suspected, the garage he used was not a VAG specialist, and I doubt that their casual suggestion that he get a new box amounted to any more than telling him that they didn't want to work on his A2.

I've encouraged him to go to Gary at B&F Autos in Hounslow as someone who really knows the A2, but he tells me he would prefer to find someone more local. Is anyone here able to give any recommendations closer to Wallington?
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Thank you for all your help. Will call that chap tomorrow and ask his advice. Thanks if any body does know anyone near Wallington that would be great. Thanks