Insurance discounts?

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Hi Everyone! And Stuart, congratulations on an excellent website and forum. The information I have found here has helped me greatly in my decision to buy an A2. Thankyou!

I'm due to pick my A2 up in 7 days (and counting!), and will be paying up as an A2OC member as soon as. The membership fee seems very reasonable for keeping such a worthwhile resource running!

Just one question however, does the A2OC have any agreements with insurance providers to offer discounted rates to its members? A colleague of mine drives a Mitsubishi FTO, and as a member of the FTO owners club he enjoys reduced insurance premiums.

I guess the insurance houses presume that someone who belongs to an owners club is going to take better care of their vehicles, and I think they would be right! If this is something that the A2OC does not do (have I been daft enough to miss it?!), are there any plans for the future?

Once again, great site, looking forward to picking up my A2 and joining the A2OC - cheap insurance or not!

Phil. Anxiously awaiting collection of a TDi Sport with Climate and OpenSky...
Please help, I'm feeling a little ignored!

Having just taken a look at the copy of the first A2OC newsletter, I see that insurance does indeed feature in the Marketplace, however I cannot see it. Is this because I am not a paid-up member? Probably I think. Should I join up without delay...?

I'm a bit confused as to how I'm able make these forum posts before I have joined though...

Phil. Anxiously awaiting collection of a TDi Sport with Climate and OpenSky...

Apologies for not replying sooner. Stuart is busy at the moment (he should be back online soon), and with Christmas and the New Year I've been flitting around!.

Yes, the A2OC does have an insurance discount scheme set up, but for paid-up members of the A2OC only. You will need your membership number to participate in most, if not all, of the discounts the A2OC can offer via suppliers.

So if you get your membership up and running, you can give the discount scheme a try!.

When do you pick up your A2?


Steve - 2002 1.4SE petrol, Silver, black/black interior, Then an identical replacement 2003 A2. Now a Toyota Corolla 1.6 T-Spirit
Thanks Steve,

No worries on the response time. To be honest, I wasn't sure if my posts were making it through as I had not paid up as a member yet! Also, I pick up my A2 on the 6th (tick, tock, tick, tock...) so I seem to be thinking about little else! Damn I'm so impatient!

Thanks for your help, I have just emailed the application form and done the 'Pay-Pal' thingy. With a bit 'o luck I'll get my membership number in time for me to check out the discounted insurance quotes that the A2OC so kindly offers in time for the 6th.

I trust your seasonal flitting was fun? My Christmas was great, but could not go fast enough for me as I pick up my pressie in four days time!! Any tips for speeding up time will be greatly received...

Thanks and regards,

Phil. Anxiously awaiting collection of a TDi Sport with Climate and OpenSky...

Glad to see you have joined. I'll email Stuart and see if he can ensure he gets the membership number to you sharpish.

Have you had any insurance quotes yet?

To pass the could alwayd download the A2 quick guide for owners (PDF) from the Audi UK web site-it might make for interesting reading.

My Christmas has just been visiting family, shopping, eating and drinking too much, fighting my way through the traffic in Norwich to the January sales. Usual stuff!.

Steve - 2002 1.4SE petrol, Silver, black/black interior, Then an identical replacement 2003 A2. Now a Toyota Corolla 1.6 T-Spirit
Hi Steve,

Again, many thanks for your help. I have had some quotes, some seem pretty good, but my SP30 endorsements dont do me any favours...!

If I get the chance to see what the A2OC discounted quotes look like before I pick up my A2 then cool. If not, then the quotes I have had are still cheaper than those for my old Saxo VTR!


Phil. Anxiously awaiting collection of a TDi Sport with Climate and OpenSky...
Hi Phil,
Sorry - not ignoring you, I have been on holiday for the past week and got back late last night.
I'll send you the info you need in the next few minutes.


[img=left][/img=left]Stuart Diamond: A2OC Founder | Forum Administrator

2001 TDi SE: Cobalt Blue Metallic | Open Sky Roof | Kenwood Mask CD | Front Centre Armrest | Front Centre Tray

A2OC Website | A2OC Forum | Join the A2OC!
Stuart, Steve, A big thank you to you!

Access to the members only marketplace has saved me £45 on my previously best insurance quote.

Thanks also for your email Stuart, and the speedy receipt of my membership number. I originally sent my application form to the 'club@audi-a2' address, so I have forwarded it to your email address also. Hope you enjoyed your xmas break!

PS - Broken link! Page 39 of the UK owners gallery from the java menu returns the cursed 404 error...

Many thanks again, I'll sent piccies when I have the A2 on the driveway...!


Phil. Anxiously awaiting collection of a TDi Sport with Climate and OpenSky...

I have a contact who organises the MR2 club insurance scheme and he'd be happy to help set up an official one for A2)C members - it's part of Norwich Union's Club scheme and gives fantastic prices for house and contents insurance within the car scheme. As a rough idea, it was always at least £100 less than any other quote i got ( and i rang around 12 companies everfy year) plus the house quote was half what other companies wanted - let me know if you want to pursue this.




First A2 1.2 TDI in UK
Style pack + Chorus + Advance pack + winter wheels + iRiver MP3CD
PS: I am not affiliated to them in any way and the house insurance deal still works even when you later change cars or owners clubs


First A2 1.2 TDI in UK
Style pack + Chorus + Advance pack + winter wheels + iRiver MP3CD
Lukas, sounds good - I'm always interested in new member discounts.
But please could you email me the details so that I can post them in the club members forum section (marketplace), not here!

[img=left][/img=left]Stuart Diamond: A2OC Founder | Forum Administrator

2001 TDi SE: Cobalt Blue Metallic | Open Sky Roof | Kenwood Mask CD | Front Centre Armrest | Front Centre Tray

A2OC Website | A2OC Forum | Join the A2OC!
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