Komfortblinker (Comfort Indicator) Discount

I've just read my post back and it actually hurts to read, my apologies and I will edit it I promise ??
Hi Tom,

I know you must have put a lot of time into this and I for one thank you for that but it does seem a shame that we appear to have now lost the group discount on the actual item as €45 is the unit price per item if you bought just one Komfortblinker directly through their website and this price shows to also include vat, although I'm not sure if that is theirs or ours and exactly how that works when they are exporting but I presume because the items are going out of their country they wouldn't charge their own vat (which is shown at 19%) and would then charge our vat @20% or possibly wouldn't and would deduct it from the price and we pay it here?

Complicated I know and as I said I'm not sure how it works and you probably know far better than me having dealt with it.

It would therefore appear that they have now just reduced the postage charge to €5.04 but it may be that if we can get the original group buy offered price of €38 back and have 3 items sent in one package whilst paying just 1 X postage cost and seemingly avoiding additional import charges, this could be by far the cheapest way to go?

We could all pay the cost of the item @ €38 and 1/3 of the postage cost per item which could be sent in one go to keep the seller happy and adhere to the group buy discount price offered and the 3 items could go to one of the buyers who could then post out to the other two saving you doing it all?

Just an idea and my apologies for the epic post which could probably be substantially edited? ??
Evening Neil,

I think they have worked with me quite well on this although I’m too a little upset we couldn’t manage a better price. It’s the safest way to not suddenly be hit with import charges. The cost of sending the items 3 at a time was just as expensive as sending all 20 so we wouldn’t have gained anything from this option.

In short though and to the best of my understanding, the price on their website of €45 is the price they trade them at. It’s raised to €50.41 on eBay due to the Sellers Fees that eBay.de charge them.

They have basically waivers their eBay.de Sellers Fees as just hope we’re going to honour all 20 items (and possibly more from others reading this thread who aren’t in the list).

We’re basically getting these delivered for the cheaper price on their website along with having the cheaper delivery cost as their eBay postage costs. Don’t quite understand how they work it all out but a saving in my eyes is always a bonus.

I was fully prepared to pay the €55.45 to get one of these in the 250 A2 so a 10% discount, as small as it may be, is quite welcomed.

Hopefully that makes sense.

Kind regards,

Hello again all,

Changing the thread title from Group Order to Discount.

Kind regards,

Evening Neil,

I think they have worked with me quite well on this although I’m too a little upset we couldn’t manage a better price. It’s the safest way to not suddenly be hit with import charges. The cost of sending the items 3 at a time was just as expensive as sending all 20 so we wouldn’t have gained anything from this option.

In short though and to the best of my understanding, the price on their website of €45 is the price they trade them at. It’s raised to €50.41 on eBay due to the Sellers Fees that eBay.de charge them.

They have basically waivers their eBay.de Sellers Fees as just hope we’re going to honour all 20 items (and possibly more from others reading this thread who aren’t in the list).

We’re basically getting these delivered for the cheaper price on their website along with having the cheaper delivery cost as their eBay postage costs. Don’t quite understand how they work it all out but a saving in my eyes is always a bonus.

I was fully prepared to pay the €55.45 to get one of these in the 250 A2 so a 10% discount, as small as it may be, is quite welcomed.

Hopefully that makes sense.

Kind regards,

Yes Tom it does kind of make sense and it's not the money at all but it still somehow just feels a little unjust that you have drummed up an order of 20 or so unit's for them that they offered a discount on but are now getting their full price for, (obviously minus their small business sellers fees).

I'm just principled and don't see or understand how they can attempt to charge €17 postage through their website but €5 through ebay and why do we need to order through ebay to get a discount rather than directly through their own website where they don't incur any fees......maybe it's me and I'm just thick?! ?
After my little war and peace where I said I didn't get the point of this mod - taking special note of my indicator usage when driving both the 21 plate courtesy car T-Roc to my local VW dealer to collect my current-shape Touran from them and then again taking note when driving back; It turns out I do indeed use this feature, although only in certain situations.

This was enough to give the side of me that likes a good OE mod / upgrade to be convinced: I've ordered one of these using the code. Thanks very much Tom!

Audrey is going to get yet another club-sourced upgrade; do we have a league table of cars that have the most?!
Evening all,

In light of the sheer demand for the Komformblinker it seems as there is no simply way of getting what we desire to our shores without risk of having import/customs fees applied, this was always going to be the probability as soon as the interest increased. I really underestimated how many of us wanted this great little gadget. Ive had one in my commuter(s) since 2015 and haven't looked back. Such a convenient yet simple little addition to the A2.

After spending some time in correspondence with Marion at Cum-Cartec today, we have come up with a compromise, which I feel is really decent of the company and I thank them for working with me on this.

A quick reminder of the costs from earlier in this thread (apologies for using Euros but it keeps it simple as exchange rates fluctuate)...

Before asking about the possibility of a bulk order discount:
€62.00 Delivered direct from their website
€55.45 Delivered from their eBay offerings

After initial discussion about a bulk order:
€39.00 Delivered to me in Leicestershire if we were able to overcome import/custom fees. There would have been a further €3-5 for me to individually package up the items for onward distribution, so more like €44.00 in total.

What has been agreed upon is that the best way forward for all concerned is to purchase direct from their eBay offering here (must be eBay.de) and apply a discount code which they have set up for us:
View attachment 88332

You'll see the price is €50.41 and postage is €5.04, at check out you will be able to apply a discount code which will take the item price down to a straight €45.00, you'll still need to pay the €5.04 postage fee though.

This will of course cut the middle man (me) out and have it delivered straight to you door from Germany without any additional fees.

I apologies for getting your hopes up initially but I have tried all I can on this for you. That said this €50 price tag is only a couple of £s more expensive that me getting them delivered here and forwarding them onto you. Its still a nice little saving

The important bit: The discount Code will cease to work on the 7th of December. I urge to to make your purchase on or well before the 6th of December. The Discount Code is:


Thank you all for putting your faith in me to see whats possible. This has worked out reasonably ok I think as any saving is a bonus. Remember make your purchase before the code expires on December 7th. Now putting my Bespoke A2 Footrest head back on to continue that venture else where on here.

Kind regards,

Great work ? thanks Tom, don't ask don't get and thanks for doing the leg work for all of us.
Yes Tom it does kind of make sense and it's not the money at all but it still somehow just feels a little unjust that you have drummed up an order of 20 or so unit's for them that they offered a discount on but are now getting their full price for, (obviously minus their small business sellers fees).

I'm just principled and don't see or understand how they can attempt to charge €17 postage through their website but €5 through ebay and why do we need to order through ebay to get a discount rather than directly through their own website where they don't incur any fees......maybe it's me and I'm just thick?! ?
Hi Neil,

I don't claim to fully understand the different postage fees applied across the 2 websites. I believe it has something to do with them not being set up as a registered company for VAT within the UK and somehow get around this within eBay, that's about as must as I understand, not my area of expertise. Honestly don't know but Marion did try to explain to me earlier but as I don't understand the rules enough I found it difficult to follow.

I'm sure not everyone on the list has gone ahead and purchased from the link using the discount code so far, maybe you could continue the dialogue to see if I've somehow missed a more beneficial opportunity here. I'll happily forward you the email chain if you're interested Sir.

Kind regards,

Morning all,

Just to show how the pricing is worked out using the discount code, here is the payment details broken down from my purchase yesterday:



It looks like we kind of got it for the €38 and then VAT along with postage is added. Hope that clears things up.

Kind regards,

Hi Neil,

I don't claim to fully understand the different postage fees applied across the 2 websites. I believe it has something to do with them not being set up as a registered company for VAT within the UK and somehow get around this within eBay, that's about as must as I understand, not my area of expertise. Honestly don't know but Marion did try to explain to me earlier but as I don't understand the rules enough I found it difficult to follow.

I'm sure not everyone on the list has gone ahead and purchased from the link using the discount code so far, maybe you could continue the dialogue to see if I've somehow missed a more beneficial opportunity here. I'll happily forward you the email chain if you're interested Sir.

Kind regards,

Hi Tom,

Again thanks for your efforts on this.

I think it is what it is now and as some members have placed orders already there doesn't seem any point in pursuing it with the company any further as there wouldn't be any weight behind it, and as you say a €5 discount is something and better than a slap in the face ?

I think I'm going to use you all as Guinea Pigs now and see if all works out delivery/duty wise before placing my order for the items I require ?

Thanks again,

Neil ?
Evening all,

In light of the sheer demand for the Komformblinker it seems as there is no simply way of getting what we desire to our shores without risk of having import/customs fees applied, this was always going to be the probability as soon as the interest increased. I really underestimated how many of us wanted this great little gadget. Ive had one in my commuter(s) since 2015 and haven't looked back. Such a convenient yet simple little addition to the A2.

After spending some time in correspondence with Marion at Cum-Cartec today, we have come up with a compromise, which I feel is really decent of the company and I thank them for working with me on this.

A quick reminder of the costs from earlier in this thread (apologies for using Euros but it keeps it simple as exchange rates fluctuate)...

Before asking about the possibility of a bulk order discount:
€62.00 Delivered direct from their website
€55.45 Delivered from their eBay offerings

After initial discussion about a bulk order:
€39.00 Delivered to me in Leicestershire if we were able to overcome import/custom fees. There would have been a further €3-5 for me to individually package up the items for onward distribution, so more like €44.00 in total.

What has been agreed upon is that the best way forward for all concerned is to purchase direct from their eBay offering here (must be eBay.de) and apply a discount code which they have set up for us:
View attachment 88332

You'll see the price is €50.41 and postage is €5.04, at check out you will be able to apply a discount code which will take the item price down to a straight €45.00, you'll still need to pay the €5.04 postage fee though.

This will of course cut the middle man (me) out and have it delivered straight to you door from Germany without any additional fees.

I apologies for getting your hopes up initially but I have tried all I can on this for you. That said this €50 price tag is only a couple of £s more expensive that me getting them delivered here and forwarding them onto you. Its still a nice little saving

The important bit: The discount Code will cease to work on the 7th of December. I urge to to make your purchase on or well before the 6th of December. The Discount Code is:


Thank you all for putting your faith in me to see whats possible. This has worked out reasonably ok I think as any saving is a bonus. Remember make your purchase before the code expires on December 7th. Now putting my Bespoke A2 Footrest head back on to continue that venture else where on here.

Kind regards,

Hello, Tom

what is actually this Komfortblinker for? My apologies for my technical ignorance.

Ordered mine on Tuesday, will update when it arrives. Total £44ish delivered.
Can I just reiterate my thanks for the background hard work that has been put in to this one, often overlooked but always appreciated ? ;)
Hello, Tom

what is actually this Komfortblinker for? My apologies for my technical ignorance.

Afternoon Andre,

Here is the translation of the description within the eBay listing:



Product no.: ebay_KFB8Z

Comfort indicator retrofit kit Plug&Play natural with E1 standard

With this retrofit kit, you can retrofit the comfort flashing in your vehicle (as is standard with the new Audi models).

The function is to tap the turn signal once and then flash the turn signal 3 times.

The 3x flashing is already pre-programmed in this control unit.

No cutting or soldering of lines is necessary for retrofitting. All you have to do is plug plug over Plug&Play. Therefore, dismantling is possible without any problems. Nothing in the existing electrical system is damaged or changed.

In short though, it’s a very simple installation that enable the indicators to flash 3 times when slightly raised or lowered. Mainly used for, but not limited to, overtaking procedures.

It a feature that’s found on most, if not all recently produced vehicles.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Afternoon Andre,

Here is the translation of the description within the eBay listing:



Product no.: ebay_KFB8Z

Comfort indicator retrofit kit Plug&Play natural with E1 standard

With this retrofit kit, you can retrofit the comfort flashing in your vehicle (as is standard with the new Audi models).

The function is to tap the turn signal once and then flash the turn signal 3 times.

The 3x flashing is already pre-programmed in this control unit.

No cutting or soldering of lines is necessary for retrofitting. All you have to do is plug plug over Plug&Play. Therefore, dismantling is possible without any problems. Nothing in the existing electrical system is damaged or changed.

In short though, it’s a very simple installation that enable the indicators to flash 3 times when slightly raised or lowered. Mainly used for, but not limited to, overtaking procedures.

It a feature that’s found on most, if not all recently produced vehicles.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Handy when about to exit a roundabout too ?
Well, ordered 6.30pm Tuesday from the eBay link using discount code and arrived from Germany 10am Saturday morning with no customs charge. Impressed! Thanks Tom!

Brilliant outcome Steve,

Glad this has worked out with no additional fees. Hopefully mine arrives today.

Kind regards,

Morning all,

My Cum-Cartec Komfortblinker arrived moments ago:


No additional fees to be paid.

Kind regards,

Morning all,

My Cum-Cartec Komfortblinker arrived moments ago:

View attachment 88553

No additional fees to be paid.

Kind regards,

Just fitted mine. Pretty simple, but was a bit of a faff working out what to do with the extra plastic and cable and best positioning. But it works great. Here's a pic of what you see when you first remove the cubby tray (before fitting the mod):


  • 20211122_112249.jpg
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Just fitted mine. Pretty simple, but was a bit of a faff working out what to do with the extra plastic and cable and best positioning. But it works great. Here's a pic of what you see when you first remove the cubby tray (before fitting the mod):
Is that the relay at the back which you have to pull out and connect the lead to? Looks trapped in by some strips?