MPG Missing


Has anyone experienced a sharp drop in MPG, by my current calculations I well be have done an average 25-30mpg.
I have not changed my driving style and I have not signed up to replace Massa.
All I have changed is brake pads… surely this can’t be the cause.
More weight = less power which = more petrol/diesel which = less MPG

Hey There

Have you gained weight!!!!?:D

Me A2 does tend to drop below 40mpg when continually stop starting, Is this the way you've been driving?


Oh just remembered reading a post a year back where this member installed new breaks which were rubbing, and causing the engine to work more harder so in return he also had poor MPG.
Hi Shezlee,

As Chubbybrown suggests above, touch your front alloy wheels after a gentle drive, to see if they are hot. If they are, then your brakes are binding. The only way I'd normally get 25 to 30 mpg would be to be stuck in serious congestion, with a cold engine and a temperature outside of -2 degrees.
