playing the window game

hi folks, been a bit of time since my last post when I've needed help with a problem...

Ages back when the car ran out of warranty I was (and still am) plauged by the stupid window game... you click down on the button it goes down. You click to send the window in to the closed position... it get's near the closed position and then comes back down, I repeat this process... for the next 10 minutes!

I seem to remember having new switches, motors, relays etc, but still have the problem.

Does anyone have the definitive way to solve this issue?

Mines 02 TDi, and it's the passenger side, drivers' side is AOK.

cheers ears

Bouncy window.

Hi B B ALFA, I would suggest spraying the window felt channel with furnature polish, you could also try spraying the mechanism in the door if you can get to it? may need door strip down to do this, the A2 windows have a kind of safety feature, where-buy : when a certain pressure point is reached in the 'going up' mode it will trip the motor mode into reverse action, this is so that if kids had their fingers in the gap/space there fingers would not be crushed etc ,hope this makes some kind of sense? yours is clearly runing 'tight 'in the channel. best of luck,Alan.
The 2001 has this problem. Last month father in law took the door apart and found that the mounts to the motor were loose causing the window glass to not align correctly when it closes. Retightened this has resolved the problem - but not foolproof as the safety return happens occasionally.

The 'trick' I have found is to put the window up and stop about an inch from the top and then use short steps until it closes fully.

Sometimes we lose power to the window button - a quick off/on with the door lock seems to reset it (?)
Pleased to say "Mr Sheen" not only shines umpteen things clean, but also unsticks A2 windows! thanks all, it's a joy being able to open the window... (an know you can close it!)

I'll monitor the situation and if it happens again I'll explore foghorn's post.

Cheers again fella's

Thought I would bump this old thread!

Basically I am having same trouble as described here! I have tried the suggestions, which seem to have made the window move more smoothly, however have by no means fixed it.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for longer/definitive fix as I have only had the car since saturday and its already driving me nuts!!! (love the car though, apart from this damn window!!!)

Just keep larrapin' on the Mr Sheen.

I'm not sure this is a problem that can be fixed!

Funnily enough ours has started to do the same again... need to Sheen-up this weekend.

Electric Window Problem


Not quite the same problem however, a couple of times, my passenger side front window stopped half way down and then refused to move either way again. My 'fix' is to disconnect the Comfort Control Unit (under passenger side front footwell) - re-connect and the window functions properly

Worth a try for your problem?


Window probs

Try using cockpit shine on the felt its ultra slippy cause its silicon based and wont leave a residue either.Don't recommend using it on your floor mats though or your peddles :eek::eek: not good. made a lovely job though took ages to wear off.She wasn't pleased:confused: