Project Doris

Looks better but would have looked far better if you hadn't damaged the face plate. Ah to be young. Not much that can be done with the teeth marks where you let your pet piranha remove them.:oops: If VERY careful you may be able to just knock the high spots down with a fine fine but only the high spots. DO NOT DAMAGE THE NEW BUTTONS.
Don’t worry I’ll be getting a new face plate for the climate control later on :)
I know how hard it is when you are keen to make progress on things. Even when you post on here we may be at work or have other commitments and are unable to immediately respond. Please try to be patient, we will respond when available.

I would remove the panel AGAIN, take the front off AGAIN, remove the buttons AGAIN and carefully file or sand the high spots down, take your time do a little bit and recheck then continue until the high spots have blended into the rest of the panel. Emphasis on take your time and only remove the least amount of material from the highest points.

Buttons pop out with the panel off using gentle pressure from the rubber end of a pencil with the rubber in the end. By pushing from behind there are no marks on the face plate, buttons pop back in, plate back on and panel refitted to dash.
I know how hard it is when you are keen to make progress on things. Even when you post on here we may be at work or have other commitments and are unable to immediately respond. Please try to be patient, we will respond when available.

I would remove the panel AGAIN, take the front off AGAIN, remove the buttons AGAIN and carefully file or sand the high spots down, take your time do a little bit and recheck then continue until the high spots have blended into the rest of the panel. Emphasis on take your time and only remove the least amount of material from the highest points.

Buttons pop out with the panel off using gentle pressure from the rubber end of a pencil with the rubber in the end. By pushing from behind there are no marks on the face plate, buttons pop back in, plate back on and panel refitted to dash.
Thanks for the advice buddy :) ?
You know I will gladly help when I can. Don't want to sound like I am telling you off.:p
Today I received Doris’s new concert radio thanks to Ian @Proghound :)

I’ve replaced some of the buttons as some was worn but now it looks a nice little example of a soft touch concert radio :)

How I received the radio :)


After I replaced the buttons :)


If someone has a cheap FM button laying around in good condition please send me a PM :)
Had the right-hand knob got pushed in Louis? If so I can only apologise but it must have happened in transit, it wasn't like that when I packed it.
Had the right-hand knob got pushed in Louis? If so I can only apologise but it must have happened in transit, it wasn't like that when I packed it.
Yes it arrived like that buddy :) :rolleyes: It’s not a problem as I was going to swap some buttons over anyway:);)

Hi all I’m thinking of repainting the brake callipers as there letting the car down but I was wondering what coulor should I paint them ?

Thanks :)
I prefer aluminium calipers and aluminium drums. Reasons are the caliper disappears on the disc and the drums also look like discs gives the car a better balanced look.
Have you bought the leather dye yet?
No unfortunately not as my money is starting to dry up after spending on Boris then buying Doris and then buying parts etc when I sell Boris that’s one of the first things I’m doing don’t you worry :) ?
Well today I took the wheel of Doris and painted a bit of the brake calliper red to see what it would look like and I must say I love the look :) ?

What do you guys think?

