

Hi I am new to this but would appreciate your knowledge I recently bought a 51 a2 for my wife lovely little car secretly I have longed to own one but never got the chance until recently (my car is 93 S2 coupe) the problem I have is the open sky sunroof ,it only open the first panel then stops ,is it supposed to go further ,the glass panel behind looks like it has never been opened ,so could it be stuck?
Hi Derek,

The first button press tilts the first glass panel. The second press lifts it and slides it back. At the same time a mirror action occurs with the second panel. Once fully open you should have two panels lifted from rest and in their open position.

The opensky is prone to failure and there will be many threads on these pages about it. If not used frequently, the lubricating grease can set hard putting pressure on the motor and cables during the opening sequence and causing one or both elements to fail. As the first part of the roof opens, the second panel may simply be stuck and in need of a helping hand. Try applying very gentle pressure to the second panel from inside the car to see if this helps get it going. A second pair of hands may be required.


Thanks Darren I thought as much the second panel did open eventually grease was very I mean very sticky , don't want to push my luck with it ,the second panel does not slide fully open so will apply some degreaser to the sliders and cables then after awhile will try again ,I live in the north east so any sun is a premium lol.
Excellent news in part. I am led to believe that the grease used is a very specific and capable solution which is available from Audi (at a premium). I would advise caution on applying a general solution once the old grease has been removed. A2Cars in Milton Keynes offer an interim and a full service of the opensky system. A long way to travel for you, but it might be worth combining with any trips you have down south to keep the mechanism in tip-top working order.

As James says, opensky is a great addition to the car whether it is in full working order or not, but a working roof certainly adds to the appeal factor and makes driving in the sun (in the A2) an even better experience, if indeed that is a possibility.
Derek sorry to come in late on this thread, I just wanted to share my experience which was similar to yours, My 04 A2 1.4 tdi starting to stick as the second pane/panel went back it used to sound like it was clunking, eventually it got totally stuck and ceased, I managed to get the panel back in place but I was gutted, after lots of research and advice I made the decision to take it to Rinner's in Germany, to cut a long story short as the previous threads have mentioned the original sky roofs had issues, Rinner's talked about the cabling being the issue amongst other things, my husband went into more detail with them but the upshot is be very very careful with your roof as it is a very costly experience if it fails.