Tappet clatter on startup


Hi All,
Just bought an A2 for my Girlfriend. 1.6 FSI SE.
On startup the engine has alot of clatter from the tappets - sounds like a diesel. After 2-3 seconds the engine quietens sound. Audi dealer telle me this is "normal with adjustable tappets!".
Any advice?
On this occasion, the dealer is right - the FSi as fitted to the A2, was the first generation of the technology and unfortunately, they do sound like a bucket of spanners being rattled on startup!

There's nothing to worry about at this stage, it's just if the sound carries on for longer, or gets worse that you should investigate.



are they adjustable??
I thought they would be hydraulic and the clatter is what you hear before the oil gets them up to pressure.
Must admit - I thought this a strange statement.
Aren't ALL tappets adjustable?
Dealer said all FSI engines do this - My Dads A6 doesn't.
Had same problem in my A4 and it was diagnosed as leaking NR Valve on the hydralic valve system.
Specialist blamed this on "dirty oil from AVS schedule" so a changed to 10k miles standard servicing.
Hi All,
Just bought an A2 for my Girlfriend. 1.6 FSI SE.
On startup the engine has alot of clatter from the tappets - sounds like a diesel. After 2-3 seconds the engine quietens sound. Audi dealer telle me this is "normal with adjustable tappets!".
Any advice?

As everyone has indicated, the rattle at start-up is normal on the 1.6 FSi engine.
I thought the noise was a characteristic of the fuel system (more like a diesel than petrol) and not the tappets though.
The tappets are hydraulic with no physical adjustment. They rely on oil pressure to optimise the valve clearance and can clatter at start-up if the tappet unit is faulty or contaminated due to dirty oil. They have been around for an awful long time, very reliable and not unique to the FSi.

Cheers Spike
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