Where can i get this!???

I think I remember a thread on here about this.
i believe the guy who owns the car made it himself from a harness pad and a few other bits.
I remember seeing this before. It was home made to stop the back seats rattling and to hook curry bags on when going out to the take away.
JimbobA2TDiSport said:
I remember seeing this before. It was home made to stop the back seats rattling and to hook curry bags on when going out to the take away.

Sounds like a good idea, there would be nothing worse than getting your 'ruby murray' all over the interior!! :(

Would be handy for shopping bags too, nothing worse than having to repack your shopping when park up at home!!

Any one know if you can get some side netting for the boot again would be handy for shopping bags?
Glad someone else didn't know what it was for!

Does it also work for chinese...........?