Audis in the park 2014 - no longer a world record attempt

Another Yellow Storm turned up with a small problem, so some of the members lent a hand to try and solve it, I thought the bonnet was going to get stood on at one point, but luckily it was moved out of harms way :)

Hard at work and a soaking wet shirt!

The rain finally subsided!

The sun came out and it was quite pleasant for a while! :cool:

This car won an award and was stunning, the wheels were amazing!
Hi All,

Fantastic to meet new and old (oops....long term members) alike today.

The weather wasn't perfect all day, but the company was, as usual.

It was really great to see such a stong turnout.

Loads of beautiful A2's, with several standing out.....but the outstanding "Project Car" from SteveB is truley wonderful. Steve, you have a great eye for detail, it's inspirational to see what you're achieving and a pleasure to be able to look around your car.

Mike (A2Sumo), a massive thanks for taking the time and trouble to keep everyone abreast of this great social event and organising the A2OC side of the things. Not too many understand the stress that goes along with this position, so you deserve an award - Thank you.

Also, a big thanks should go to Calvin from Northants Audi for running and organising AITP so we can all enjoy what has become the largest Audi event in Europe, so Mike, please pass this message on to Calvin when you next speak with him.

Great day and great company - thanks to all.

Jeff and Glyn
I bought mine from eBay for £10.50 !!!!

They are definitely NOT everyone's cup of tea, but for £10.50 and two minutes to fit, I thought "why not" I can easily take them off again (which I might do)

I even bought two more sets, one for our Daughter's black A2 (as you say, they suit a dark car better) and I used an extra black small cover instead of the one with the key hole in it, so I can "lose" the key lock and yet still use that if I ever get a flat battery by just pulling it off!!

Steve B

Careful with the covers as with everything the quality differs wildly, I have some on my passat 4motion that are stainless and cover the handle , the ones on the A2 are in fact plastic chrome another set I had, all from different suppliers, on a skoda superb were stainless but barely covered the flat of the handle and were frankly very poor both aesthetically and quality wise, so much so I removed them. Caveat emptor.
Even though it was wet-very wet-it was great to meet and put a face to names! We had a good time and am not long home, 800 miles round trip, weather terrible on the way home and saw a few accidents as well but hopefully will return next year DV ! That was us with the brollies and will forward a bill to you Steve for sheltering your braw wee car!
cheers Paul
Just to add my thanks for a great day. For me anyway, not so sure about my other half and the boy. Just got back myself. Sorry I had to bail as the sun came out.

Nice to meet so many great A2 mad folks.

Chris. The biscuit fighter.
Phew, what a day just got in from Leicester with lil'Michael who was K.O from Watford.

1.Was nice meeting faces I have already met and also putting names to new faces of course.
2.thanks for the cake Tony & Petra was yum yum (kept Michael quite and me sweet) lol
3.Big thanks to mike for badges/stickers and all the work you do organising.
4.RiverLad (David) for the Tea&coffee corner

Minus the heavy rain, it was a great day meeting everybody and seeing other Audis whilst the sunshine was out for the last hour before leaving (enough to dry up):D


Ps. Steve, I don't think even Michael fish would of got the forceast right today lol
But he was surely wrong about this one

PPS Congrats to A2OC & Emmett for the award (silverware):D lol
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Hi all I'm now home at last 22.50 and want to thank everyone that came to AITP6 today-because with out you all we wouldn't have a great social side to the club. As the reports on here and other social media are saying-yes it was wet in fact very wet---but did it "dampen" the day NO and i think it helped as it drew us all together in the shelter of the gazebos, thus helping the new members and distant guests from Germany to mingle and chat to us all. The stand looked fantastic with all the cars looking very impressive arranged in staggered lines.
As some of you witnessed i was a little emotional to have been awarded "Best club stand" and this again shows that our little car club can mix it with the big players --- so once again thank you ALL. The fact that one our members cars one an award for the show and shine was a double bonus-well done emmet.

Special mention must go to Steve and Courtney for getting us the meat and bread for the refreshments. Thanks also to David for bringing the gazebos and the coffee and tea-very welcome whilst sheltering from the rain. Lastly I'm sure many of you enjoyed the cakes that Tony and Petra from A2 CARS LTD kindly offered us all.

We also managed to increase our car count for AITP with 30 a2's on our pitch- i think with the usual sunny weather we would have seen a few more so fingers crossed for next year.
Once again thank you. Mike
Many thanks must go to Mike (and Yvonne) for their dedication in maintaining the social calendar and their tireless efforts to make them a success and a pleasure for all attending. I'm sure the members who cannot attend, derive much pleasure in the many recounts of the day. Nice to see David (riverlad) again, with his mobile kitchen - thanks mate! The hot beverages are always welcome - particularly in yesterdays weather, and to Steve who kindly contributed the bacon sandwiches.

A fantastic turn-out and some very deserved and welcome awards - well done!

Good to see the many friendly faces and to meet the new members - always a pleasure.
A special mention to our German friends who took the trouble to travel from Germany to share this event with us - danke!

Already looking forward to ADI in two months time.

blue skies
Great to meet everybody again, and also to meet the many new faces :-)

It was a great day - many thanks to everyone who organised it :) Congratulations Mike & David for winning the best club stand award, very well deserved for your huge amount of hard work. Also congratulations to Stuart & Celia for winning the 'show & shine' top 5 award, awesome car, and awesome to meet you :-)