End of Season Meal - Silverstone Saturday 19th November 2022

Added to Calendar: 19-11-22

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Event start date: Saturday 2022-11-19
Event end date: Saturday 2022-11-19
Registration ends: Sunday 2022-11-13
# Username Guest count Note
1 Teresa Teresa 2 Teresa & Gary - hotel room booked
2 FinallyFiona FinallyFiona 1 Just me. No hotel needed :)
3 RZX RZX 2 Premier Inn booked
4 steve_c steve_c 1 Premier Inn booked
5 Erlingtheyounger Erlingtheyounger 1  
6 2work 2work 1 No hotel required
7 S simon martyn 1 Hotel not needed
8 KekseKaempfer KekseKaempfer 1 A2 less.
9 PlasticMac PlasticMac 1 Premier Inn Booked.
10 Dave M Dave M 2 Premier Inn booked T thankyou.
11 chumsofmanutd chumsofmanutd 2 Premier Inn Booked :)
12 T tdiquattro 1 I live nearby so no Hotel needed, looking forward to the meet!
13 Rich. Rich. 1  
14 wills wills 2 Just for a meal
15 in9999 in9999 1 Premier Inn booked
16 D donp38 2 Premier Inn Booked.
17 celsisone celsisone 1 Just for a meal
18 ajsellors ajsellors 1 Premier Inn booked
19 murdo murdo 1 Premier inn booked
20 Cenick Cenick 1 Booking Premier Booked


Social Secretary
It's been fabulous to be able to get out and spend time together this year and as we move into Autumn, it's time to arrange our end of season meal.

The feedback about the potential move from Fort Dunlop to Silverstone was very strongly in favour of a move, so here are the details

Date: Saturday 19th November 2022
Time: 7.00 pm (with a catch up and natter by the cars from 6.30ish , depending on the weather)
Location: The Green Man Brackley Hatch NN13 5TX

For those who want to stay over, there is a Premier Inn next door to the restaurant. I have just booked my room and it was a very reasonable £47 (as at 7.9.2022)

The Silverstone Museum is very close by and is open until 4pm on the Saturday, or from 10 am on the Sunday. The general admission tickets, although relatively expensive at £22.50 for an adult, are valid for revisits within 12 months, so you could buy a ticket to visit in November, and then go back again at the start of season meal in the Spring.

If you would like to come along, please RSVP above, giving total number of people.

I look forward to seeing you in November!

Many thanks

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Teresa, you might want to look at the time on your original post :) I guess we'll be doing the usual gathering for a natter around the cars beforehand?
Hotel booked.

I've never used Premier Inn before. Will I be able to book for breakfast on arrival, or do I need to do it ahead of time online? Thanks
Hotel booked.

I've never used Premier Inn before. Will I be able to book for breakfast on arrival, or do I need to do it ahead of time online? Thanks
You can always book and pay on arrival - its the same price as booking in advance. Will be good to have a Norfolk contingent there 😀
@Proghound @RZX @steve_c @Erlingtheyounger @2work @simon martyn @KekseKaempfer @PlasticMac @Dave M @chumsofmanutd @tdiquattro @richard- @in9999 @wills @donp38 @celsisone

Hi everyone - just over a couple of weeks before we head to Silverstone.

Having booked the Green Man, it has had a change of management, but having spoken to him, it does sound as though it is a good change. They do however have a bit of an issue in that they are in the process of recruiting an new Head Chef who is unlikely to be in post by the time they go. They are very keen to accommodate us, but would struggle to offer the full menu with everyone ordering at the same time on the night as currently it is the new manager doing much of the cooking.

He has therefore asked if there is any possibility that we could pre-order from a reduced menu (pudding can be ordered on the night). I said that people don't always want starters and also we are keen to control costs wherever possible. He has therefore put the attached together which includes a couple of veggie options and a vegan option.

If you are attending, could you have a look and private message me let me know what you would like please? If you really can't find anything you fancy, please let me know and I will go back to them. ideally they could do with a good idea of pre-orders by next Monday if at all possible please

I have explained that sometimes people do have to drop out at late notice and they are fine with that.

Thank you so much


  • Green Man In menu.pdf
    410.8 KB · Views: 188
Hospitality businesses across the country are having real difficulty recruiting staff right now, so it's no great surprise that the Green Man finds itself one of many that are struggling.

I wasn't expecting fine cuisine from Chef and Brewer in any case, cheap and cheerful is just fine. Very much looking forward to the evening regardless of the menu options.