How many windscreens have you had?

The roads here in NZ are quite frankly, appalling. They spray a thin layer of liquid tar down and then dump a few tons of gravel chippings on top and leave the traffic to do the bedding down! Apparently the chippings are broken up river bed rocks (ie free).

Same here on the side roads. I guess it is much cheaper than asphalt. Maybe they use a little more tar as the side of the vehicle is always covered in small tar spots that don't wash off easily. They always put up 20 mph (32 kph) signs but few people keep to it.

I just found this article

Under Surface dressing it says:

"Surface dressing is a low cost method of increasing the life of a road and costs less than re-surfacing."

It goes on about keeping traffic speed down for a few days after laying. So I guess that is why its not used on major roads and motorways.
I've had the auto glass warped scenario that ULP states. I thought i was being smart asking for an original equipment windscreen which when fitted had a warp in the glass that made it look like you were under water so i got them back thinking they would fit another but they fitted a pilkington instead at least it's clear !