Right Handbrake Cable


Hi everyone,

The right handbrake cable for my FSI is pretty much shot (near the wheel), which is causing the handbrake to bind to the rear wheel. It definitely needs replacing, so my question is is the cable to the right wheel a separate part, or will I also need to get the rest of the cabling? Also, if it wouldn't cost too much more is it worth just replacing the whole lot?


Not sure if it's rear discs or drums? Rear drums can cause issues as the shoe lever arm can sieze. Cable might actually be okay. If you detach at drum the cable should retract with very little friction. Bigg Red sell rear shoe spring kit if you're rebuilding.
It's an FSI so disks. The cable is definitely not OK because I've had a look. The outer protection has split open so that's presumably allowed water and junk to mess with the inner cable itself.

Thanks Dave!